  • 學位論文


Developing a Product Disassembly Design Innovation Process with a Study of the Level of Product Component Disassembly

指導教授 : 饒忻


隨著科技進步,產品的功能愈發多樣化,以滿足顧客的需求。功能多樣化的代價使產品在組裝、拆卸與回收的難度提升,甚至影響產品售後的維修及保養成本提高。欲解決其問題即是在產品設計階段時考量各種因素,例如:為回收而設計、為維修而設計、為拆卸而設計與為組裝而設計等,可讓產品在保有多功能的情況下,同時減少資源與時間的浪費,提高產品附加價值。 為得同時兼顧產品功能與拆卸作業簡化之需求,本研究透過文獻定義產品元件可拆卸性準則,計算元件與元件之間拆卸強度,進而定義最佳拆卸設計,並結合TRIZ理論與創新工具之功能屬性分析、矛盾矩陣與發明原則,發展一套產品拆卸設計創新流程。最後本研究以實際產品進行案例分析,驗證本研究所提出之拆卸設計創新流程之可行性。


As technology advances, products are becoming increasingly diverse in their functions to meet customer needs. However, this diversification also increases the difficulty of assembling, disassembling, and recycling operations, and even affects the cost of post-sales maintenance and repair. To resolve this problem, various factors should be considered during the product design stage, such as designing for recycling, designing for repair, designing for disassembly and designing for assembly, in order to reduce the waste of resources and time while maintaining multi-functionality and increasing the added value of the product. In order to balance product functionality and ease of disassembly, this study defines the criteria for the disassemblability of product components, calculates the disassembly strength between components, and defines the optimal disassembly design. It also combines TRIZ theory and innovative tools such as function and attribute analysis, contradiction matrix, and invention principles to develop a product innovation process that considers disassembly design. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed disassembly design and product innovation design process is verified through a case analysis of actual products.


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