  • 學位論文

電影華語教材之發展研究 —以中級華語學習者為對象

Research on Chinese Teaching Materials Design of Films for Intermediate L2 Learners

指導教授 : 熊玉雯


現今已有許多華語教學課堂使用各式各樣的多媒體作為媒介進行教學。隨著華語電影的蓬勃與擴大,日漸出現華語課堂導入華語電影進行教學的實例,然而針對電影而編寫設計的華語教材卻未大量發展。電影的角色、場景、道具與情節編排等都能使人身歷其境,吸引學習者的目光,並更加理解與融入真實情境,除了增加課堂的趣味性之外,也能使學習者有效學習不同於傳統教材的語言與文化內容。   本研究利用當代華語電影與動畫電影《花樣廚神》、《我的少女時代》、《青春變形記》及《許願神龍》,以在北美地區認可度及普及率極高的《中文聽說讀寫》第三冊為依據,針對美國外語教學委員會(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,ACTFL)等級中程度水平為中級初等(Intermediate Low)以英語為母語之學習者為對象,設計一套電影教材,作為學習者在學習《中文聽說讀寫》第三冊時的補充學習教材。綜合學者提出的教材編寫理論與運用影片之多媒體教材的側重標準,擬訂電影教材編選原則,並製作一套電影華語教材評估表,也為本研究之教材設計奠定基礎架構。教材設計完成後交由五位華語教師檢視並評鑑,探究本研究教材設計之優缺,並針對不足之處予以修改。同時期望擬定之電影教材編寫原則能拓展教材設計的各項層面,作為日後華語電影教學課堂之參考。


With the expansion of Chinese films in modern media, it is more and more common for Chinese teaching classes to use a variety of media sources. However, the teaching materials for Chinese films have not been well developed during the expanse which is what this research will provide. The characters, scenes, stage props, and plots of movies can make people personally immersed in the story. The learners' can be more understanding of the culture and integrate well into the circumstances of the plot. Learning through movies will be joyful to the learner and interesting as it gives learners' a different perspective from traditional textbook learning.   This research is designing a L2 Chinese teaching material by using two Chinese films and two animated films which are all from modern times. It is formatted for the learners who have reached the level of "Intermediate Low" in ACTFL. This research material is in accordance with "Integrated Chinese 3". The series of "Integrated Chinese" has high recognition and penetration in the northern United States. It is suitable for the learners as an additional review class while learning the textbook "Integrated Chinese 3". By combining the theories of compiling teaching materials with the emphasis on different Chinese multimedia teaching materials, this research sets a theory of compiling the materials of films to then refine the material of this research. Moreover, to increase the professionalism, the designed material has been evaluated by experienced and professional Chinese professors which has helped to improve the quality of the research.


