  • 學位論文


The Study of Business Model and Innovation for Confinement Caterers- A Case Study of H Company

指導教授 : 易青雲


月子餐產業是台灣全新的、獨有的餐飲領域,最早是由人稱「防癌教母」的莊淑旂醫生發起,自上世紀90年代中期開始在台灣發展。千禧年後,其產業規模緩慢擴大;至2010年前後,投入者愈多,發展加速。月子餐業者的目標客戶是產婦,而台灣的新生人口,卻在近20年來持續跌破20萬。於是,一方面人口紅利下滑;一方面業者卻競相投入,增至百家以上,很快近乎飽和,轉為一片紅海。 H月子餐公司是早期投入的業者之一,亦是開啟創新模式的先驅,以三餐熱送到府的創新模式,打破之前月子餐冷送的舊模式,掀起一番模仿熱潮。並且,擁有全台最多的連鎖加盟店。其榮景自2004維持至2018年,之後業績開始下滑。 本研究以H公司為個案,探討H公司前期的商業模式和創新發展如何取得成功。爾後,分析在後期(2019-)應當如何調整發展策略,以創新的商業模式,突破瓶頸。期待以它為範例,闡明台灣月子餐巿場的優勢、劣勢、威脅和機會,歸納月子餐產業創新策略與創新之道,讓台灣月子餐產業升級為2.0版,並且擴大既有價值鏈版圖。 從新生人口紅利越來越少,以及上百家月子餐分食這塊大餅的趨勢來看,台灣月子餐產業已經看得到盡頭了。那麼:台灣月子餐產業整體的願景,理當是如何的?結論以為:這個願景的焦點不在台灣本土,而在台灣月子餐產業近廿年所累積的產業知識和實踐上。這個知識經濟,才是台灣月子餐產業最珍貴的地方。換言之,台灣可以說是全球華人月子產業的先驅,產業鏈完整。從坐月子護理中心、月子餐供應鏈到月嫂等等,可謂一應具全。因此,台灣月子餐產業的未來前景,是在海外;而台灣本土,是作為總部一樣的存在。如此一來,這個行業才能創造出它的藍海。 關鍵字:月子餐產業、SWOT分析、商業模式、創新發展。


The confinement meal industry is a new and unique catering industry in Taiwan. It was first initiated by Dr. Zhuang Shu-Chi, who is known as the "Godmother of Cancer Prevention", and has been developing in Taiwan since the mid-1990s. After the millennium, the scale of the industry expanded slowly; around 2010, the more investors there were, the faster the development. However, the target customers of confinement catering companies are pregnant women, while Taiwan's newborn population has continued to fall below 200,000 in the past 20 years. As a result, on the one hand, the demographic dividend has declined; on the other hand, industry players have rushed to invest, increasing to more than a hundred, and soon almost saturated, turning into a sea of red. H Confinement Meal Company is one of the early adopters, and also a pioneer in launching innovative models. The innovative model of hot delivery of three meals to the home breaks the old model of cold delivery of confinement meals, setting off a wave of imitation. Moreover, it has the most chain stores in Taiwan. Its prosperity lasted from 2004 to 2018, after which its performance began to decline. This study takes it as a case study to explore how H Company's early business model and innovative development achieved success. Then, how to adjust the development strategy in the later period (2019-) to break through the bottleneck with an innovative business model. Looking forward to using it as an example to clarify the advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of the Taiwan confinement meal market, and to summarize the innovation strategies and innovation methods of the confinement meal industry in Taiwan, so as to upgrade the confinement meal industry in Taiwan to version 2.0 and expand the existing value chain layout. Taiwan's confinement meal industry has seen its end, because there are fewer and fewer newborns, and hundreds of confinement meals companies are sharing this market. Thus, what is the overall vision of Taiwan's confinement meal industry? Conclusion: The focus is not on Taiwan itself, but on the industrial domain knowledge and practical experiences accumulated in Taiwan's confinement meal industry in the past 20 years. Knowledge-based economy is the most precious part of Taiwan's confinement meal industry. In other words, Taiwan can be called the pioneer of the global Chinese confinement industry, with a complete industrial chain. From confinement nursing centers, confinement meal supply chains to maternity matron, etc., it can be said to have everything you need. Therefore, the future of Taiwan's confinement meal industry is in the overseas markets. Therefore, Taiwan exists as a headquarters and Taiwan can create its blue ocean. Keywords: confinement meal industry, SWOT analysis, business model, innovation and development.


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