  • 學位論文


A study of behavioral and space composition for veterinary hospital design

指導教授 : 吳燦中


現今社會因生育率降低,越來越多的人將寵物視為家庭成員,隨著寵物地位的日漸提升,許多飼主在寵物的健康養生及就醫環境上也變得比以往有更多的需求及重視。故寵物醫療空間的規劃及設計也漸漸普及且更為講究。雖然臺灣已有許多具有規模性的寵物診所,但對於完善的空間規劃及動線需求、空氣品質等細部設計,仍缺少較完善的資料及相關的設計元素。 對於寵物醫療診所提供的空間質量,也因為要符合護理人員的需求而有更大的投資空間。為了訓練及擁有更強大的醫療團隊,讓寵物醫療診所能夠奠定更好的發展基礎,故本研究探討寵物醫療診所設計中的各種空間將如何被應用以及在有效空間中的動線使用上是否能有更多不同的需求變化。寵物醫療診所內隨著時代的進步增加了許多相關的醫療保健知識,也要能提供獸醫師及飼主許多的良好的就診空間及治療儀器上的使用,大大提升了寵物醫療診所整體生存環境的需求值。 本研究欲經由文獻探討分析及案例分析法,並結合目前國際間推動零恐懼醫療設計規劃醫院及貓咪友善醫院認證所需空間構成條件所得結果,透過漢米爾頓實證設計九程序之室內設計方法呈現寵物醫療診所空間需求之構成的要素,在空間規劃上能獲得良好的相關空間資訊內容,並針對不同的醫療專科及流程,可幫助升級動物醫療空間在於門診、住院、維護醫院環境與改善就診經驗等之質感。因此本研究主要的目的如下: 一、 調查寵物醫療診所的使用現況,並了解獸醫師與飼主寵物之間的行為模式,提出良好的就診及看診的使用動線規劃。 二、 探討獸醫團隊的醫護人員在工作操作介面上的所需的空間及每一個空間的使用機能、儀器設備放置的位置提出寵物醫療診所空間的構成。 三、 期許本設計研究結果,可提供欲進行寵物醫療診所開業之獸醫師及設計者參考。 關鍵詞:寵物醫療、動物醫院、診所空間


Over the past few decades, decreases in birth rate as well as an increased number of childless families contribute to a growing population of pet animals viewed as important family members. With the elevation of status for pet animals, pet owners have been becoming more and more demanding requesting premium wellness plans and high-quality veterinary visits. Therefore, improvement and uplifting in space design and planning for an animal hospital are in high demand. There are currently quite a few veterinary hospitals with moderate capacities, but insufficient information regarding appropriate space design, ideal traffic flow, proper air quality purification system, etc. are available. Regarding space qualities in veterinary facilities, fit for use for personnel should always be achieved to improve design investment. For proper training of competent veterinary staff, and to provide a solid and comfortable foundation for veterinary facilities, the study was designed to investigate how to best use various spaces can be used, how to achieve the most robust traffic flow for pet owners, veterinarians, veterinary technicians under different special circumstances. With the advancement in health awareness, veterinary facilities should be able to provide comfortable spaces for vet visits for pets. The study examined a literature review, case studies, and space recommendations from fear-free organizations and cat-friendly clinic certification to formulate the foundation for veterinary clinic space design. Cooperating one of the nine Hamilton design processes, the method of interior space design, the study presented key space components in veterinary facilities and how veterinary staff can best utilize space and related equipment. For veterinary specialty consultations, different traffic flow for personnel and clients (pet parents and animals) and specific design requirements were mandatory to achieve the best use of limited space and to improve patient experience and satisfaction. The purpose of the study was to: 1. Understand current environments in veterinary clinics, and understand the behavior models between veterinarians, pet parents, and animals, to suggest appropriate space design and traffic flow for a veterinary visit. 2. To understand the space requirement for veterinary staff (surgeons, internists, veterinary nurses, technicians) and specific use of space equipment and for various procedures, which are all composed of a veterinary clinic. 3. To provide templates and ideas for a veterinarian who is interested in opening a veterinary clinic in the future. Keywords:Veterinary Visit, Veterinary Clinic, Animal Hospital, Clinic Space


Hot Pets. (2020, April 9). 貓咪國際級醫療在臺灣。取自 哈寵誌:https://www.hotpets.com.tw/2020_cat_friendly_clinic_in_taiwan/
LewisE.Heather. (2015, January). FEAR-FREE HOSPITAL DESIGN GUIDELINE. 取自 https://reurl.cc/xlZklE
Vicki J. Pollard, & Ashley M. Shoults. (2018). Practical Guide to Veterinary Hospital Design. American Animal Hospital Association Press.
何品逸(2018年3月25日)。35實證設計 Evidence-based Design。取自 不悶燒工作坊:https://reurl.cc/3ODmv0
