  • 學位論文


Punishable Injuria of Gambling and the Suggestions of the Amendment to the Criminal Law—Focus on the Impact of the Online Gambling

指導教授 : 張天一


賭博罪章於刑法初期制定時,即因其具有射倖性之性質,若於公共場所或公眾得出入之場所為之,恐有敗壞社會風氣之虞,因而使其刑罰化,致使條文中本身就帶有特定情狀要素,這係因應當時之時空背景而定之。然因科技發展之進步,傳統的面對面賭博現今已逐漸式微,轉由透過通訊設備、線上網路進行遊戲,或是透過連線至特定伺服器進行遊玩之新型態賭博成為主流。為因應此種變化,實務最初所採行的,係藉由擴大解釋刑法第266條中之情狀要素,使網路空間被納入其中,後立法院亦於110年12月28日通過條文之修正,將利用通訊設備與線上賭博之行為納入法條中,然其法條之設計上,仍有實務適用之疑義。 於此,本文將針對新型態賭博分為四大部分進行探討,第一部分係先行定義何謂新型態賭博,並在回顧分析實務案例之同時,針對新型態賭博對我國現行賭博罪章造成之衝擊進行探討,同時對於新型態賭博將產生之問題進行檢討與分析。第二部分主要針對賭博罪之保護法益,在探討我國關於賭博罪之保護法益學說後,亦將以日本法之學說進行探討,並提出本文之見解。第三部分則是分析現行刑法賭博罪章於修法後,對新型態賭博適用之疑義處,在與日本法進行比較後,統整我國刑法上可能會出現問題之處,並釐清我國目前法律針對這些問題之適用可能性。最後係進行統整討論,對我國現行法制進行檢討及剖析,並提出本文之建議,希冀能解決新型態賭博於刑法上適用之疑義。


With the change of time and technology, the patterns of gambling behavior have been changed from face-to-face to use the Internet as a medium. To respond this changed, nation’s legislator revised and update the Criminal Law of the offenses of gambling in 2021 in order to include the new form of gambling, not only online gambling but the gambling of using social software. However, there’s still some question about the application of the Criminal Law. Therefore, to solve the problem, this article will focus on the new forms of gambling in four parts. First of all, defines what the new forms of gambling are and how they impact of our country. Second, focus on legally protected interest in the offenses of gambling. Third, the question about the application to the Criminal Law, and also compare to the Japanese law to consolidate the problems of the Criminal Law. Last but not least, review the problems of the new forms of gambling and the Criminal Law and make the suggestions of the amendment to the Criminal Law, hoping to solve the problems of the impact of the online gambling.


