  • 學位論文


Explorations of the Relationship between the Planning of Urban Parks and the Senses of Well-Being of Mothers with Infants:Case Studies in the Bade District of Taoyuan

指導教授 : 劉為光


女性在社會上多是扮演著照顧者的角色,在經歷結婚、購屋、懷孕生子這段時間, 通常也是她們生命變動最大的時期,面臨著新的生活方式、環境與社會關係的變動。而 成為媽媽後,親自育兒的過程,為促進孩子的發展與認知,給予孩子新鮮感及感官的探 索需要變換不同的場地,但要去哪裡?可以去哪裡?卻是個問題。兒福聯盟2018 年的幼 兒媽媽育兒感受及需求調查結果第二名“可以帶幼兒去的活動場所”占50.6%,顯示現 今的都市環境中,大家居住的雖然是高質量、高密度的空間,但相對的,身邊戶外的活 動空間卻變少了、人際間的互動卻顯疏離。因此本研究以我們日常最接近的戶外公共空 間”公園”為場域,探究其規劃當中,哪些因子是能夠在媽媽帶孩子去活動的過程中有 所助益?增加其日常育兒的幸福感受。 本研究為量化研究,依研究目的加上文獻分析探討,參考Cristina 等人(2019) 所 編制量表,略作調整以符合研究目標。量測工具共分三部分,使用李克特7 點量表,第 ㇐部分關於公園使用模式與質量,第二部分自我報告幸福感,第三部分為背景資訊。於 110 年3-4 月間,地點為桃園市八德區之小型鄰里公園(仁德、豐德及建德公園)及中 型社區公園(西坡及八德埤塘生態公園),使用便利抽樣㇐對㇐方式,現場徵求育有0- 4 歲的幼兒媽媽填答,因應疫情及看顧小孩之因素,藉由手機掃描QR code 於Google 表單填答,回收210 份,有效問卷209 份。 所得資料作信度分析、敘述統計、單因子變異數(ANOVA)分析、雪費(Scheffé)事後 檢定、獨立樣本t 檢定、卡方以及皮爾森相關分析。 結論:住在公園周邊的幼兒媽媽都有較好的自評健康,而住在中型公園周邊則更加 良好,若再加入其住家範圍的社區團體,那麼整體幸福感則可再往上提昇,社交在主觀 幸福感上面有著顯著的影響。而幼兒媽媽在公園的活動中,不只在乎孩子遊樂的設施, 本研究中的中型公園遊樂設施非規劃的重點,少了遊樂設施未減少媽媽們的主觀幸福 感;自然豐富度與促進社會交流的機會,有助於親子同樂、身心放鬆的環境與幼兒媽媽 幸福感更加的相關。如何在公園裡創造人們可自然互動的空間或方式,讓育兒不只是看 顧小孩,會是吸引媽媽們前往公園的幸福因素,而增設跨性別親子廁所則是需積極改善 的硬體項目。 關鍵字:都市公園、公園規劃、桃園、幼兒媽媽、幸福感


Abstracts In society, women tend to play the role of caregivers, and normally face the most life changes when they marry, purchase a house, become pregnant, and give birth. During such times, they are faced with changes in lifestyle, environment, and social relations. To facilitate children’s general and cognitive development, and offer their children new sensory experiences, mothers must take their children to different places. However, where to go is a question that often troubles mothers. According to a survey on mothers’ feelings toward/needs in childrearing conducted by the Child Welfare League Foundation in 2018, “places where children can go to play” ranked second (at 50.6%), revealing that despite of today’s high-quality, high-density urban environment, outdoor activity space and the warm interactions between people have decreased. Therefore, this study selected a park, a major outdoor public space in people’s daily lives, as the study site, and explored factors that could benefit mothers who took their children there to play. The goal was to elevate these mothers’ sense of Well-Being in childrearing. This study adopted a quantitative method and formulated a scale by conducting a literature analysis and referencing the scale compiled by Cristina et al. (2019). The scale in the present study was slightly adjusted to meet the study objectives. The scale, measured using a 7-point Likert scale, consisted of three sections. The first section asked the participants about their patterns in park use and park quality, the second section asked them to self-report their sense of Well-Being, and the third section asked them about their demographic information. The questionnaire was distributed from March to April 2021 at small community parks (i.e., Rende Park, Fengde Park, and Jiande Parks) and medium-sized community parks (i.e., Xipo Pond Ecological Park and Bade Pond Ecological Park) in Bade District, Taoyuan. A “one-on-one” convenience sampling method was adopted, and mothers with young children aged 0–4 years were selected on-site. Because of the COVID-19 epidemic and that the mothers had to attend to their children, they were asked to scan our QR code using their mobile phones to fill out a Google form afterwards. A total of 210 questionnaires were returned, and 209 of them were valid. The obtained data underwent a reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, independent sample t test, chi-squared test, and Pearson correlation analysis. Conclusion: The mothers of young children who lived near parks had positive self-rated health, which improved further if they lived near medium-sized parks. The mothers who joined community groups in their neighborhoods also had a higher overall sense of Well-Being. Social interactions exhibited a significant effect on subjective sense of Well-Being. The mothers cared about not only children’s facilities offered by the parks, but also the abundance of natural environments and opportunities for social interactions. In this study, the medium-sized parks had little facilities. However, this did not diminish the mothers’ subjective sense of Well-Being. The abundance of natural environments and opportunities for social interactions facilitated parent–child enjoyment, and physical and mental relaxation, which better affected the mothers’ sense of Well-Being. Identifying methods for creating space or for people to naturally interact with each other in parks and making parenting more than just looking after children are factors that attract mothers to parks. In addition, building all-gender restroom in parks is a topic meriting immediate improvement. Keywords:Urban parks, park planning, Taoyuan, Mothers with Infants, Well-Being


[3]方祖芳(譯)(2018)。一種尺寸不能適合所有人:拒絕不當設計,察覺日常用品與空間規畫中隱含的偏見與危機(Anthony, K. H.)。台北市:遠流出版。
