  • 學位論文


Research on Blended Apprenticeship Programming of Learning Motivation and Performance using Computerized Assistant Learning System

指導教授 : 張元翔 余執彰


在初等程式設計的教學中,概念上的學習與實作方面的練習都是非常重要的,但往往學生在課堂上得到概念,在課後卻無法有效的進行實作練習。因此,本研究依據認知學徒制的精神,透過「示範」、「訓練」、「鷹架」、「闡明」、「反思」和「探索」等策略設計課程,同時開發一套學習輔助系統,讓學習者可以同時進行知識概念的學習與實際操作的練習。特別的一點是,此學習輔助系統是教學中擔任認知學徒制中「師」的角色,除了評估學習者的學習成果外,更是肩負主導學習者學習的任務,而傳統教學法中真正的「師」,則是演化成輔助的角色,負責監督與確認學習者的學習狀況,並在適當時機介入補足學生知識不足的部分。目的希望是透過這樣的教學課程設計,讓程式語言的初學者其學習動機與成效有所提升。參與本研究的對象為台灣北部某私立大學資訊工程學系一年級的學生,共有兩個班級。本研究採用混成教學的授課模式,包括實體課程以及系統練習。分別於學期初與學期末發放Pintrich所編製之激勵的學習策略量表(Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, MSLQ)中學習動機問卷的部分,以此探討此程式設計輔助學習系統對學生的學習動機的影響,並以期中與期末測驗中機測與筆試項目的成績,分析學生之學習成效。經過一學期的教學實驗,研究結果發現運用混成學徒制的程式設計學習輔助系統於資訊工程學系的學生上時,在學習動機方面,雖然因為認知到課程的難度而導致取得好成績的信心減少(先備知識程度(程式設計經驗)較高的學生中更為明顯),但是同時學生也了解到學好這堂課對於自己的重要性,並且也對課程中所學到的內容更感興趣,甚至願意在課程中挑戰更困難的內容,尤其是在先備知識程度較低的學生中這樣的提升更為顯著;學習成效方面,先備知識程度與學習動機很大程度影響了學生的成績,但是學習動機較低的學生其進步幅度是更大的(顯著性提升),意味著學生之間的程度(成績)差距是有因此減少的。最後,本研究希望所設計的教學模式與程式設計學習輔助系統,可供未來的教師在相關的課程教學上作為參考。


Both concept learning and coding practice are essential in teaching the introductory level of programming. However, students may learn the concepts in the classroom but are unable to code effectively after the class. This study designs a novel blended learning model that employs a computer assisted learning system through the steps of cognitive apprenticeship learning, which are: modeling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and exploration to support the teaching of programming courses and to enhance students' motivation to learn.The system is unique in that it takes on the role of the “teacher” in cognitive apprenticeship, not only in assessing learner’s learning outcomes but also in guiding them through that learning, wheres the real teacher in traditional teaching methods evolves into a supportive role, supervising learner’s progress and intervening at the right time to complete students’ knowledge. In this study, a blended learning strategy was used. At the beginning of each week, students were asked to use the system to learn how to program and the concept of how programs are executed. In the middle of that week, the instructor deepened the students' impressions of programming concepts in classroom. The results of midterm and final exams were used to analyze student learning outcomes. The Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was used at the beginning and end of the semester to investigate the impact of the proposed learning system on students' motivation. Experiments were conducted with freshmen students in the department of Information Engineering. The results of using the cognitive apprenticeship strategies and online systems are as follows. In terms of motivation, although students were less confident in achieving good grades due to their awareness of the difficulty of the course (which was more evident among students with more prior programming experience), students also realized the importance of learning the course well and were more interested in the content learned intercourse and were even willing to challenge more difficult content in the class, especially among students with less prior programming experience. In learning effectiveness, the level of programming experience and motivation greatly influenced students' performance. Still, students with lower motivation made more progress (significant improvement), which meant that the gap between students' levels (performance) was reduced. This study hopes the designed programming learning system can be used as a reference for future teachers in teaching programming.


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