  • 學位論文


The relationship between the theory of mind ability and social adjustment in early-onset and late-onset delinquency

指導教授 : 洪福建


研究背景與目的 由於近十幾年來的青少年犯罪已顯示多元化、集體化、病態享樂化、暴力化等趨勢,致使引起部分學者利用發展觀點以歸納出兩種於犯罪成因、歷程等截然不同類型的犯罪青少年,分別是「早發型」以及「晚發型」非行少年,而長期存在於這群非行少年的偏差行為以及社會適應不良等問題是否與心智理論能力缺陷有關,進而影響他們的社會適應狀況。研究者回顧國內外眾多相關文獻,發現非行少年與心智理論能力之間的關聯仍無一定論述,因此研究者欲使用初級、次級與進階版心智理論作業逐一檢視兩組非行少年的心智理論能力,並從他們的心智理論作業表現推測此能力是否能夠預測整體社會適應。 研究方法 收案來源為北部某所矯正學校,研究對象主要是違反少年事件處理法且年紀介於十六歲以上、未滿十八歲且就讀高中之男性非行少年,利用偏差與犯罪行為量表篩選出16位早發型非行少年、18位晚發型非行少年,同時在控制智力之下,施以三項錯誤信念作業以檢驗非行少年的心智理論能力,爾後利用攻擊行為評估量表、人際互動模式量表,推估心智理論作業表現與社會適應兩者間的關連程度。 研究結果 研究結果指出早發型、晚發型非行少年的心智理論能力相當,於初級、次級錯誤信念作業以及Strange stories進階版心智理論作業等表現皆無差異,顯示早發型、晚發型非行少年都具備推估他人想法、情緒等能力;而早發型、晚發型非行少年的心智理論能力與社會適應狀況之間的關連性低,對於心智理論作業對社會適應之預測力,當中只有Strange stories對非行少年之攻擊行為的解釋力達顯著,初級錯誤信念作業對於人際互動之解釋力較低。 結論 研究初步證實早發組與晚發組非行少年的心智理論能力發展無異,但其發展品質是否屬於邪惡(nasty mind)、亦或工於心計的,仍需進ㄧ步驗證。 關鍵字 非行少年、心智理論能力、社會適應。


Background and purpose During last decades, juvenile delinquency has become diversified, collective, violent, morbid, and hedonic. The issue has draw extensive attention from scholars, based on a development perspective, concluded two different types of juvenile delinquency: early and late starters. These two types are distinguished because of their contributing factors and courses. On the basis of available research, the researcher found that the relationship between juvenile delinquency and theory of mind is not clear yet. The researcher would like to know if juvenile delinquents’ misbehaviors and social maladjustment are related to an underlying deficiency of theory of mind which may also affect their social adjustment. The researcher conducted theory of mind tasks to examine the relationship between theory of mind and social adjustment from two groups of juvenile delinquents. Method The data was collected from Young Offenders Institute. There are 34 male delinquents, above 16 and under 18, participated in this research. 16 early starters and 18 late starters were selected by Abnormal and Delinquency Behavior Questionnaire. Controlling the IQ, the researcher used three false belief tasks to examine teenager delinquents’ theory of mind. After this, the researcher conducted Aggressive Scale and Interpersonal Interaction Model Scale in order to infer the correlation between theory of mind’s performance and social adjustment. Results The result indicated that there was no significant difference between early and late starters in three theory of mind tasks. This showed that the theory of mind from early and late starters were fairly the same. Both early and late starters had abilities to conjecture others thoughts and emotions. However, the correlation between the theory of mind and social adjustment was poor. The only significant result was found among the Strange Stories and teenager delinquents’ attacking behaviors Discussion The finding suggested that abilities of theory of mind of early starters and late starters were similar. Nevertheless, more researches are needed to decide if developmental qualities belong to nasty mind.


social adjustment theory of mind delinquency




