  • 學位論文


An Image Study of Official Tourism Websites in Creative Cities

指導教授 : 林昆範


摘要 由於全球化經濟規模與生產模式的轉變,使各大城市開始著重文化創意,藉以提升經濟效益與建立城市品牌,進而形成創意城市之概念。而城市意象的形成又有助於創意城市的發展與城市觀光產業之蓬勃,其中城市官方旅遊網站所呈現的城市意象最容易直接影響國內外旅遊者對城市的觀感,進而影響觀光活動。本研究的研究目的為:(1)經由城市官方旅遊網站的分析,探討各城市的意象;(2)分析以發展創意知名的國際城市官方旅遊網站之視覺特質,以提供我國發展城市行銷或觀光規畫之思考方向。本研究以倫敦、紐約、東京、台北等4個城市之官方旅遊網站為研究主體,首先以文獻探討法理解創意城市的概念與城市意象對城市發展的影響與趨勢;再以內容分析法探究其視覺設計,分析官方旅遊網站所塑造的城市意象;最後進行以創意城市為概念所設計的問卷調查,探討瀏覽者對上述4個官方旅遊網站的意象。 本研究結果發現:倫敦網站資訊量大,重實用性,網站結構最為完整,視覺意象為平衡、穩定、自然,整體意象為保守中求變化;紐約網站的特色為強烈的配色方式,黃色與藍色造成色彩對比,意象為大膽、熱鬧、積極,問卷結果與視覺分析相符,是一個視覺設計鮮明、民俗文化多元、城市活動熱絡的城市;東京網站置中的版面編排意象為平衡、穩定,雖屬傳統的意象,但著重以淡雅、自然、簡潔的意象呈現,不失為一種表達城市獨特風格的方式;台北網站特殊的洋紅色具有時髦的都會感,黑色具有台北都市夜生活的神秘、豪華意象,網站中的動畫與動感音樂,使瀏覽者得到視覺與聽覺的雙重饗宴。過去網站著重於實用操作層面,現今政府更是需要致力於營造官方旅遊網站的視覺意象,本研究冀望以上述研究成果,提供我國於發展城市行銷或觀光規畫之思考方向。


Abstract The Universal economics have been changed, there have been many cities in the word start out to pay attention to the culture and creativities, to develop the economics and city brand. The concept of the creative cities is appearing. The city image helps the developing of creative cities and the city tourism industry. The city image on the official tourism websites also influence how the travelers think about the city. The Research goals: 1) To analysis the city official tourism websites to realize the city image; 2) To analysis the Visual characteristics of the International creative cities official tourism websites, and provide our country on develop city marketing and tourism activities. This content of the paper is the official tourism websites of four cities: London, New York, Tokyo and Taipei. There are four results in this paper. First, there is much data in London website. The structure of the London website is complete, and the image is balance, stable and natural. Second, the color of New York website is bold. It makes the contrast of the yellow and blue and black and white is large. The image is bold, bustling and positive. Third, the layout of Tokyo website is the form of center. It causes the effect of stable and balance. Although the image of Tokyo website is traditional, but it emphasizes the image show of pure, natural and simple. That is a great style of city. Finally, the special color of the Taipei website is magenta, which shows fashion and modern. The black color shows mystery and luxury such as nightlife. The animation also makes the website user feel amazing by eyes and ears. In summary, this paper is able to promote the developing of creative cities and the city tourism industry.




周靖倫(2011)。淡水河口藝遊網計畫之分析 - 以Landry創意城市分析架構為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.00600
