  • 學位論文


A study of Influence on Repurchase Intention of Automobile Tire

指導教授 : 王如鈺


隨著國民所得的增加,消費能力和生活水準不斷提昇,現代汽車已屬普遍的交通工具, 且廣泛做為工作、休閒之用。根據交通部統計,台灣96 年約有571 萬輛自小客車,便知國內 輪胎市場之龐大。隨著國際化的趨勢,國際知名的輪胎產業大舉進入台灣市場,再加上消費 者所得提高、教育程度向上提升、對生活品質的要求等,業者必須運用更多元化的行銷手法 來吸引消費者關注。故本研究將探討顧客滿意度、品牌忠誠度及促銷效果、個人涉入的干擾 變數對消費者再購意願的影響。 本研究一共回收有效問卷270 份,有效回收率60%。並以敘述性統計、信度分析、因素 分析與迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,研究結果發現,顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度對消費 者的再購意願有顯著影響,而促銷效果中僅有人員推薦因素會干擾到輪胎產品品質中科技時 尚滿意度高的消費者推薦他人購買意願。 研究建議如下: (1)鎖定男性、已婚消費族群 由本研究的性別統計資料所得到的資訊可以看出,汽車輪胎產品的消費者族群,絕大部 分是為男性及已婚的消費族群,故汽車輪胎產品的製造業者可以較重視男性族群市場,並針 對男性消費者的喜好如花紋時尚、操控性佳等特點來設計產品。而針對已婚之消費者,汽車 輪胎產品的製造廠商可針對此族群所重視的產品屬性,如經濟實用及安全性,此產品區塊也 值得輪胎製造廠商著力之處。 (2)加強消費者之品牌忠誠度及售後服務滿意度 本研究發現消費者的品牌忠誠度及售後服務滿意度對輪胎產品的再購意願有顯著影響, 此表示消費者對輪胎品牌多有一定的定見及喜惡,故輪胎製造廠商特別是發展自我品牌的企 業應特別注意,要利用何種行銷策略來加強消費者的品牌忠誠度,如舉辦免費輪胎健診、開 設品牌門市及提升服務品質等行銷策略。 (3)增加經濟實用取向的產品及評估銷售通路 由本研究相關分析中可以了解,消費者目前對輪胎產品品質的經濟實用滿意度大於科技 時尚滿意度,正如目前輪胎製造商也都多推出耐磨耗及使用壽命長的產品,應該是正確之方 向。另消費者要推薦他人購買時,輪胎產品品質的科技時尚滿意度會與促銷效果的人員推薦 產生效果,故輪胎製造廠商於對通路銷售人員,應加強科技取向產品專業訓練及解說能力。


Along with the national income increase, the spending ability and the level of living is increasing too. The modern automobile has been the universal transportation vehicle, and also was used to go to work or outside. According to the Ministry of Communication’s record, Taiwan has approximately 5,710,000 passenger vehicle in 2007. So there is a huge domestic tire market in Taiwan. Along with the internationalization’s tendency, the international well-known tire industry enters the Taiwan market on a large scale. In addition to, the consumer obtained enhancement, the education level upward promotion, to the life quality request and so on, the tire industry’s entrepreneur must utilize the multiplex marketing technique to attract the consumer to pay attention. Therefore, this research will discuss the disturbance variable which like the customer satisfaction, the brand loyalty, the promotion effect, and the personal involvement influence the consumer’s repurchasing. This research altogether recycles effective questionnaire 270 copies. The effective returns-ratio is 60%. And this study used the statistical methods which like narrative statistics, letter analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis. The findings discovered that, the customer satisfaction and the brand loyalty was significant influenced the consumer repurchasing. And the promotion effect had only one factor to influence the consumer repurchasing. This factor was the sales clerk’s recommend, especially for the technical and fashion tire product. By this factor, the consumer was willing to recommend other people to purchase the technical and fashion tire product. This study’s suggestion as below: (1)Focus on male and married consumer’s group The data shows, we can understand that the male and married consumer’s group was the major automobile tire’s consumers. Therefore, the automobile tire product manufacturing industry may take the masculine tribal product, and aims at the masculine consumer who like the fashion pattern and outstanding control products. But in view of the married consumers, the automobile tire product manufacturer may aim at the product attribute which this tribal likes security and economic. So, the manufacturer can produce the economic tire product to earn the married consumer’s attention. (2)Enhance the consumer’s brand loyalty and the after-sales service degree of satisfaction This research discovered that the consumer's brand loyalty and the after-sales service degree of satisfaction was significant influenced the consumer repurchasing. This meant that the consumers already had their decision when bought automobile tire products. Therefore, the tire manufacture manufacturers which specially develop their self-brand should be supposed to pay attention. They have to learn to know what kind of marketing strategy can enhance consumer's brand loyalty. For example, the manufacturers can hold the free check of the customer’s tires, build the branding retail sales, and promotion the service quality. (3)Increase economy practical orientation product and appraisal sale circuit In this research we can figure out that the consumers are more satisfied the economic tire than the technical and fashion tire. Therefore, the tire manufacturers were presented the enduring abrasion and the long-used product. This kind of automobile tire product should be the correct direction to the tire manufacturers. Otherwise, we also find that a sales clerk’s promotion will influence a consumer to recommend other people to purchase tires which the tire is technical and fashion. Therefore, the tire manufacturer should improve the sales clerk’s explaining ability to promote the technical and fashion tire product.


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