  • 學位論文


The effect of anger on the perception of angry facial expression in children with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xbfb2434)


摘 要 過去許多研究指出,注意力缺陷過動症兒童在臉部表情的辨識較一般兒童容易出現更多錯誤,這些研究多針對快樂、悲傷、驚訝、憤怒、害怕、厭惡及輕蔑七種基本臉部表情辨識錯誤情況做探討,但是卻無法對造成錯誤的原因作詳細的說明。由於在注意力缺陷過動症兒童經常可以看到其人際關係不佳的現象,許多學者認為這與他們錯誤辨識臉部表情有關。本研究將探討ADHD兒童對生氣臉部表情辨識是否與一般兒童有所差異,並試圖藉此說明ADHD兒童人際關係不佳是否是由於他們對生氣臉部表情辨識能力較差所影響。 本研究的進行,分為前置性生氣臉部表情工具的編製研究與正式的組間比 較研究。在前置性生氣臉部表情工具的編製研究中,本研究以情緒誘發方式拍 攝模特兒的生氣表情,最後選取情緒類屬與強度同意度適中,且符合研究理念的表情照片15 張,作為台灣版兒童生氣臉部表情的刺激材料。所有的刺激材料均轉製成電腦版本,完全以手提電腦呈現標準化刺激,並紀錄反應結果。在實驗研究中,本研究的研究對象包括ADHD兒童三十名及一般兒童三十名。研究工具包括台灣版兒童生氣臉部表情、魏氏兒童智力測驗第三版、個案基本資料問卷、視覺類比量表、自製情緒強度評估量尺及電玩遊戲。資料的收集採個別施測方式,分別測量兩組受試者在引發生氣情緒前後對三種程度之生氣臉部表情強度評估。 本研究的資料經相關分析、變異數分析與t-檢定後,結果發現:無論在引發生氣情緒前後,ADHD兒童與一般兒童對於三種程度生氣臉部表情強度的評估沒有差異;同時在引發生氣前後,兩組組內也無差異存在。根據分析結果顯示,生氣情緒並不會影響受試者對生氣臉部強度評估。另一方面,研究結果證實當ADHD兒童在清楚知道刺激為生氣臉部,要求其對不同程度的生氣臉部強度做評估,ADHD兒童的辨識能力並不會較一般兒童差。本研究除了編制一套更適用於瞭解兒童臉部辨識情況的研究工具,同時亦說明ADHD兒童人際關係不佳的原因是出現在訊息進入之前或是更後面對訊息解釋的階段。


Abstract Many studies have pointed out that over the past, ADHD children in the identification of facial expressions than the average child more prone to error. These studies and more for happiness, sadness, surprise, anger, fear, disgust and contempt for identification of seven basic facial expressions do wrong to explore the situation, but it can not be caused by wrong description of the reasons for the detailed. Because ADHD children can often see the phenomenon of poor interpersonal relationships, many scholars think that the wrong identification with their facial expressions. This study will examine ADHD children identify angry facial expressions with different generally, and tried to make it clear that poor interpersonal relationships whether ADHD children because of their poor ability to recognize angry facial expressions. The conduct of this study, Pre-divided into draw up tool of angry facial expressions, and then followed by formal study comparing ADHD children and normal controls. In the pilot study, we photographed pictures of facial expressions and recorded emotional voice clips after mood-induction tasks, and finally chose 15 applicable anger facial expression photographs as the Taiwan version of children's angry facial expressions of the stimulus material. All of these stimuli were highly agreed by an independent sample of subjects from campus. All chosen photographs were transformed to a computerized version and presented to each subject in a random order. Their responses were also recorded with notebook computers. In the formal study, our subjects included 30 ADHD children and 30 normal controls without any obvious psychiatric history. Research tools, including the Taiwan version of children's angry facial expressions, WISC-III, basic information on the case questionnaire, VAS, self-assessment of emotional intensity scale, computer games. Structured interview and self-report symptom checking list were also given to each subject,and measured two groups in the trigger angry feelings before and after the three levels of intensity of angry facial expressions. Data were analyzed by correlation analyses, analyses of variance, t-tests. The results showed both before and after the trigger angry feelings ADHD children and generally children, no difference between the assessment of strength of the three extent angry facial expression. At the same time, both before and after triggering angry have no significant differences of two groups.According to the results of the analysis, Angry feelings will not affect the subjects assessment of facial intensity. On the other hand, the results confirmed when ADHD children are aware of stimulation for the angry face, require them assessment varying degrees of intensity of the angry face, ADHD children do not recognize the capacity of poor than average children .In addition to the preparation of this study, a more applicable to understanding the situation of children in the face recognition research tools. The most important the causes of poor interpersonal relationships of ADHD is message entering before or more behind the stage of explain message.


臧汝芬、吳光顯、劉秋平 (2002)。台灣某國小注意力不足過動兒童之共
