  • 學位論文

論都市計畫農業區使用管制 —以桃園縣執行都市計畫法第27條之1為中心—

Research on the use control of agricultural zone in the urban plan region -based on the execusion of the Article 27-1 of The Urban Plan Law by The Taoyuan County Government-

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


摘 要 根據社會學大師安東尼紀登斯 (Anthony Giddens)的結構化理論,社會體制是由社會結構和人類行動者共同建立,用於推論土地政策的形成與演變,此政策即為國家採行的策略和民眾的認知與行動共同建立為主軸。本文即在研究分析戰後60年我國在台灣地區實施國土規劃的成果與問題。 基本上國土規劃,除消極的涉及土地使用空間規劃和使用強度管制方面,更負有積極引導國土使用發展的機能。對國家社會經濟政策而言,是一項如何將有限的國土資源,發揮最大使用效益,同時兼顧社會秩序公平、正義的學問。 我國國土規劃(法)制,相對於歐美先進國家,顯得落後許多。本文中,一方面從宏觀面探討我國國土規劃、管制政策,形成的歷史背景因素,和戰後60年來我國在台灣地區實施的政策法律規範。尤其以經濟活動較高的都市土地為例,從固有的嚴格土地使用分區管制措施,演變為現階段「管制為原則、許可為例外」的二制並存狀況。明顯的變動,在政策形成的意識形態,由強調國家管制的社會主義,修正為強調市場經濟管制的資本主義,呈現的變革。另一方面,藉由實際在桃園縣執行解除管制政策的實例,從微觀面探討實施政策的法律規範,國家主導規劃的計畫模式,修正解除管制,開放人民可依據對土地的使用需求,提出使用計畫申請許可變更程序,在現行都市計畫法規定的許可程序中產生的杆格。從研究中發現,在無法揚棄都市計畫法中央集權管制精神之前提下,強調落實地方自治、公民參與和地方政府規劃協議,以及追求效率的許可變更程序,反而容易變成特權和貪腐的體制。


ABSTRACT According to the social structural theory of the sociology master Mr. Anthony Giddens, the social system which is co-built by social structure and actors of human being is used to infer the formation and change of land policy. The land policy is the primary axis co-built by the country’s strategies and the people’s understanding and actions. The territorial planning results and problems in Taiwan in the 60 years after the word war Ⅱ were studied in this study. Basically, the territorial planning negatively relatives to the space planning and intensity control of land use, it has positively to lead the development function of land use. To the economic policy of country and society, the territorial planning is a scholarship that relatives how to produce the maximum use efficiency from a limited territorial resources and also to care the fair and justice of the social order. Our territorial planning law is much backward compared to the advancing Countries in Europe and USA. In this study, on the one hand, our territorial planning, control policies, forming historical factors, and the law codes fulfilled in Taiwan in the 60 years after the world war Ⅱ were studied in large scale. Especially, for high economic activity city land as an example, it has changed from the strict land use zoning control to current “control principled, permit exceptional ”- two systems existed. For the obvious variation, in the conception of policy formation, it has corrected from the socialism emphasized on country’s control to the capitalism emphasized on market economic’s control. On the other hand, the differences were studies in small scale between the actual execution of the control released policy in Taoyuan County and the law codes of execution, the plan mode of the planning governed by the Country, correction of released control, opening land use request to people for application to change permit procedure, in the current law of the urban plan. It was found in this study that under the condition of unable to discard the spirit of the center-concentration right in the law of the urban plan, the emphasis of achievement of local self governed, participation of citizen in local government planning agreement, and chasing efficiency in the procedure of changing permit is reversely easily to make the government with special right and greedy regime.


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