  • 學位論文


Study on Relationship between Core Expansion Model and Co-opetition Strategy–Observations for Computer Peripheral Industries of Cross-strait

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


個人電腦經過數十年的成長,其應用早已超越單純的文書處理以及計算等功能,在個人電腦產業的帶動下,也帶動周邊產品的蓬勃成長。從1995年微軟推出Windows 95作業系統,讓系統介面人性化,降低消費者使用門檻開始,一直到1998 Compaq推出低價電腦,電腦開始成為平民產品,也帶動電腦產業龐大的商機。然而激烈的市場競爭,產品價格的持續走低,整體產業進入成熟期的趨勢,造成產業內大大小小的購併整合的風潮,產業內也慢慢形成大者恆大的局面。 以往研究僅針對台灣的電腦周邊產業的相關因素進行研究,尚無兩岸間的實證發現或研究,本研究以產品擴張型、顧客擴張型及通路擴張型來區別核心擴張策略的類型,以競爭策略、競合策略與合作策略作為競合策略類型。並探討核心擴張類型與競合策略之關係。並觀察地區類型與企業營運模式類型在核心擴張類型與競合策略類型之影響,本研究嘗試以此觀點來進行兩岸的電腦周邊產業之實證研究。 經相關文獻探討,建構本研究之研究架構,探討核心擴張策略對競合策略之影響,並以營運類型及兩岸為區域變數考量,以驗證影響程度。在實證研究方面,針對臺灣與中國大陸的企業各選取電腦周邊產業的三家公司,分別為宏碁電腦、和碩聯合科技、達方電子、聯想電腦、TCL集團與方正科技這六家公司進行深入訪談實證研究,本研究結果發現: 顧客擴張策略在競爭策略上有明顯的差異。同時,地理區域因素也會在企業的核心擴張與競合策略的選擇造成差異。中國大陸的企業在顧客擴張的類型和競爭策略的偏好有明顯的差異。營運模式為自有品牌的企業對顧客擴張的類型有明顯的差異。而營運模式為OEM/ODM的代工型企業,則是會選擇產品擴張作為他們核心擴張的主要類型。 誠如Porter所言,策略本身無對錯好壞,重要的是策略配合適當與否、是否能合乎邏輯與市場的需求,如此經營績效才能明顯產生差異。


Personal computer has developed for more than decades; its application is not only in documentation and computing function but also has a lot of progress at its accessory kits. Since 1995, Microsoft Windows 95 started a user-friendly software interface and Compaq computer introduced the price friendly computer at 1998. Computer has walked into each family. All this information technology becomes huge business. However, marketing competition and continued low price push this industry to a mature environment. For earlier research only focus relevant elements on computer industry in Taiwan, and not yet develop two strait discovery of evidence or research. The objective of this research is mainly to discuss the core expansion model and co-opetition strategy. The core expansion model including product expansion, customer expansion and channel expansion and the co-opetition strategy type including competition strategy、co-opetition strategy and cooperation strategy. We also look into the relationship between core expansion and co-opetition strategy. The two strait regional and enterprise business model were taken into consideration to verify the affecting level of the core expansion model and co-opetition strategy. We will use this viewpoint to proceed with the evident research for peripheral industries of cross-strait. This research discusses the influence of core expansion and co-opetition strategy and taken enterprise business model and two strait to variances through the discussion about the related literature. We choose six companies as our research case: Acer, Pegatron、Darfon、Lenovo、TCL and Found. The result is: There is a big gap between customer expansions in competition strategy, as well as the regional reason cause the different selection of enterprise core expansion and co-opetition strategy. The enterprise in Mainland China has obvious differentence at customer expansion and competing strategy. OBM enterprises incline customer expansion very much. OEM/ODM enterprises have obvious differentence at product expansion. As Porter said, there is no good or bad strategy but proper or improper timing to conduct the strategy. The business achievements depends on your strategy can meet the marketing or not.


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