  • 學位論文


A Modified Differential Evolution Algorithm with Activation Strategy

指導教授 : 李維平


近年來演化式計算(Evolution Computation;EC)對於現實世界中的複雜最佳化問題,如排程規劃、資源分配、組合最佳化等NP-Hard問題展現其優越的求解能力。自1996年首次提出的差分演化演算法(Differential Evolution;DE)更因其具備結構簡單、高效率、高精確度及所需設定參數較少等特性受到重視,並於諸多應用領域當中展現與以往常見之演化式演算法更為優良的求解成效。 透過相關研究的整理發現,差分演算法雖本身具備強大的求解能力,但演算法本身於最佳化問題求解上仍存在部分尚待解決之疑慮,如收斂情形的不穩定、易跳脫解空間以及一般演化式演算法所常見的通病“易陷入區域最佳解” 的問題,導致差分演算法之效能有所限制。故本研究提出活化策略差分演算法(Activated Strategy Differential Evolution;ASDE),期望透過活化策略(Activated Strategy;AS)的導入,進一步產生擾動的效果以有效改良差分演化演算法並期許獲得全面性的穩定成效,透過活化策略導入將於求解過程中再次激化演算法,以強化差分演算法於求解效能與穩定性上的平衡。


Evolutionary Computation (EC) provides high performance on real world optimization problems such as scheduling, resource distribution, portfolio optimization etc. Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm was first reported in 1996. Based on the characteristics of simple structure, high accuracy and efficiency, and the requirement of fewer parameters, DE has received significant attention from researchers. It has been applied to numerous fields and performs much better than other evolutionary computation. Although DE represents powerful performance, but it has attach importance to the drawbacks of unstable convergence, breakaway the solution space, and the common defect of evolution computation “dropping into regional optimum”. In this study, we attempt to improve the traditional differential evolution algorithm and propose a novel algorithm “Activated Strategy Differential Evolution” (ASDE). Based on import the Activated Strategy (AS) intensified the structure of traditional DE for balancing the solution accuracy and stability.


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