  • 學位論文


The Experiences of the senior Orientation and Mobility Specialists to Problem Issues in the Orientation and Mobility instructions and their problem solving strategies

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究採用質性研究的方法,與三位資深定向行動師進行深入晤談,探討定向行動師在指導視覺障礙者定向行動教學時,擬定教學內容的方法、實際面臨的教學問題、因應策略及對目前定向行動師的師資培育及專業能力的看法。本研究結果如下: 資深定向行動師帶著不同的經驗背景進入定向行動這個專業,他們經歷不同的訓練管道、與機構合作的經驗歷程。在教學前資深定向行動師會彙整個案相關資料,包括社工師提出的書面資料、醫生診斷報告和個案疾病史等,並與個案或家人直接晤談瞭解學習目標和期望,若對個案整體不熟悉或需要理論支持時,會參考相關書籍及詢問有經驗的教學者作為設計課程的依據並擬定教學計畫。在課程決定過程中遇到個案對學習期待過高,定向行動師會引導正確觀念;家長教養的心態有時會干擾課程決定,社工師是很好協助處理的對象;個案自信心不足或沒有相關行走經驗時不斷給予鼓勵。 資深定向行動師教學過程中遇到的問題和解決策略有個案體力不佳時要先鍛鍊個案體能、天候不佳時指導尋求協助的技巧,協助個案降低挫折感、遇到視智障的個案則簡化教學指令、無法認清自己能力的個案要考量暫停課程、路人閒言閒語教其離開現象和請社工師協助解決個案時間無法配合等問題,個案定向行動能力及學習成效的評估可算是整個定向行動教學過程中較困難掌握的一環。 然而,研究發現影響教學的直接因素有學生方面的生理、心理、家人、殘存視力的多寡、視障者特徵、視障程度和類別等因素;教師方面的情緒 管理、用心程度和動機、是否接觸過視障者、溝通技巧、職業背景、生活經驗等因素都會影響教學。間接因素主要是我們的環境有許多元素會干擾定向行動教學的進行。 資深定向行動師發現人力資源分佈不均,城鄉差距很大,建議師資來源多元化,參訓前用面談以評估學員意願及人格特質,且培訓課程加強實務經驗的學習。資深定向行動師也建議定向行動師應尋求多元管道,如參加相關研習和講座、個案研討或督導會議、閱讀相關書籍等提升自我專業能力。 資深定向行動師認為目前台灣定向行動教學整體環境,無障礙空間情況不理想,定向行動訓練之觀念宣導不足,社工師應該篩選出真正有需求者再轉介定向行動師;定向行動師多獨自作業。 根據研究發現,對定向行動教學者、行政機關和相關機構提出以下建議:利用多元管道收集個案資料、重視影響教學的因素、提升自己的專業能力、參考資料的本土化、加強定向行動服務的宣導、落實個案研討和督導會議的功能、建立制度化專業成長的管道、無障礙環境的設置、社工師或個案管理員的重要、人力資源的平均分佈、職前訓練的重要、學校和機構間密切合作、師資培育來源多元化、建立人力資料庫等,都是目前台灣定向行動發展的重要課題。 為確保優良且資深定向行動師寶貴的教學經驗的傳承,建議後續研究者邀請一群有經驗且教學績優的定向行動師,針對每項教學問題,運用焦點訪談的方式,蒐集更多元的資料。


This study adopts the qualitative research method of in depth inquiry to explore the curriculum and the teaching strategies of three senior orientation and mobility specialists in their instruction of individuals who have visual disorders, the problems they encounter during the instruction, the ways how they deal with the problems, and finally, their opinions about the professional preparation and the professional development of the orientation and mobility specialists in Taiwan. The results of study are as follows: The three senior orientation and mobility specialists brought different backgrounds and experiences into their specialization processes. They went through different training channels and had experienced various phases of working with different kinds of organizations. Before instruction the senior orientation and mobility specialists would use different ways and resources to recruit relevant materials for making the teaching plan success. The senior orientation and mobility specialists had to face the multiple problems during their routine teaching schedules. They normally found the proper solutions to them. From the part of the students with visual impairment their physical, psychological and familial factors, their residual visual abilities, their personal characteristics, the severity and classification of their visual impairment can have an impact on the teaching result. From the side of instructor his emotional management skills, personal engagement and motivation, his previous personal contact with individuals with visual impairment, his communication skills, his professional background and life experiences can also influence the instruction. And the environmental factors play an indirect but mostly interrupting role during the teaching processes. The senior orientation and mobility specialists found the distribution of human resources of the orientation and mobility specialists unbalanced in Taiwan. There were big discrepancies in urban and rural areas. According to the findings several practical suggestions to the professional preparation, professional development, environmental and administrative rearrangement, and further research had been made.




