  • 學位論文


Construction of the Customer Relationship Management System Evaluation -Using Analytic Network Process

指導教授 : 許通安


在企業競爭日益激烈的今日,各企業無不使盡全力在有限的市場中,爭取一席之地。在這樣的情況下,「掌握顧客」,某個層面來說,便代表掌握收入的來源,並確保企業盈餘。多數企業皆已體認此一現實,因此無不極力想藉由各樣的商業活動,來爭取新顧客、並確保舊顧客不致流失。 Pepers & Rogers (1993)的研究指出開發新顧客的成本要比保持舊顧客的成本高出六到九倍。因此,如何維持舊客戶,維繫良好的顧客關係,就變得更為重要。因應這樣的需求,顧客關係管理(Custom Relationship Management ,CRM)系統就變得重要。一套適合企業需求與文化的CRM系統,可以協助企業尋求最佳的顧客、維持住優良的顧客、最大化顧客效能、並進行有效風險管理。然而如何客觀的選擇一套適用於企業的CRM系統,確保企業的IT投資效益,進而幫助企業獲利,便成了非常重要的課題。 本研究將協助企業解決此一問題,利用分析網路程序法(ANP),建立一套可行的評估模型後,運用常用之Excel軟體,結合ANP理論,設計出一評選系統,提供企業有系統且客觀的針對不同的CRM系統供應商,進行分析、評選,最後評選出最佳的CRM系統供應商。


In this challenging environment, businesses adopt many strategies, including IT and non-IT, to raise their market share. In this situation, the more customers you reach and handle the more profit you may get. Most of companies try their best to use all kinds of business activities to not only reach new customers but also keep the old customers. According to the reach result, Pepers & Rogers (1993), the cost of landing new customers is higher than keeping existing customers for 6 to 9 times. Therefore, it is very important about how to keep in touch with the existing customers and maintain the presented relationship. Because of this reason, the CRM, Customer Relationship Management, system is becoming one of the vital systems in the modern businesses. A suitable CRM system, which should be fitted into the using company in business culture and environment, can help marketing people to find the valuable customers, to utilize the values of those customers, and to process some efective risk management for their companies. However, it is very important in how to evaluate and choose a suitable CRM system in objective way. Besides, the system should be able to increace the ROA, Return on Asset, of IT inverstment and then raise the profit of that business. This research is a helping document to illustrate how to use ANP, Analytic Network Process, to build up a feasiable evaluation model to assist businesses to solve the above issues. I try to use Microsoft Excel , which can be easily found in most of computers, to implement an ANP model to provide businesses an objective perspective to analyze, evaluate, and choose the suitable CRM system from a lot of providers.


ANP Analytic Network Process CRM


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