  • 學位論文


Syntheses, Structures and Thermal Properties of Metal Complexes Containing Polydentate Amine Ligands

指導教授 : 陳志德


摘 要 本論文主要探討含多芽胺配位基與過渡金屬化合物的化學,包含了兩個部份。 第一部分 本部分主要討論由三聚氰胺(melamine,L1)與二價銅金屬鹽類反應所生成的兩個新的化合物,探討其結構與熱穩定特性。 利用L1與CuCl2 • 2H2O及Cu(OAc)2 • H2O在甲醇溶液中迴流反應,可得到化合物Cu2Cl2(μ-Cl)(μ-OCH3)(CH3OH)2(L1)2 • 2Et2O,1,與 [Cu(η1-OAc)(μ-OCH3)(L1)]2 • 0.33H2O,2。以上這些化合物經由X-ray單晶繞射儀瞭解其晶體結構。兩個化合物的分子透過N-H---N上的自互補氫鍵,以及N-H---X (X = Cl 或 O)等氫鍵相互作用,分別形成二維的層狀模式與三維的多孔結構。化合物2的雙核銅分子間是藉由N-H---N的氫鍵作用力,形成同時具有六角形與三角形的多孔晶體結構。經由熱重分析儀(TGA)得知N-H---N氫鍵連接而成3-D結構之化合物2,較形成3-D結構之化合物1有較佳之熱穩定度。 第二部分: 本部分主要討論多種吡啶羧酸(pyridyl carboxylic acid)及二亞乙基三胺(diethylenetriamine)與二價銅金屬及二價鎳金屬鹽類反應形成一系列新的化合物,探討其結構特性與分子間的作用力,並以熱重量分析和微差熱掃瞄量計儀器測試瞭解其熱性質。 利用吡啶羧酸配位基picolinic acid (HL2)、nicotinic acid (HL3)、isonicotinic acid (HL4)、pyrazine-2-carboxylic acid (HL5)、pyridine-2,5-dicarboxylic acid (H2L6) 等多芽配位基、二亞乙基三胺(dien)分別與Cu(NO3)2 • 6H2O、Cu(ClO4)2 • 6H2O、Cu(BF4)2 • 6H2O、Cu(OAc)2 • H2O等二價銅鹽類及Ni(NO3)2 • 6H2O 在甲醇溶液中反應,可得到以下化合物[Cu (dien)(L2)][X],[X = NO3,3,BF4,4,ClO4,5],[Cu3(dien)3(L2)2](ClO4)4 • CH3OH,6,[Cu2(dien)2(L3)](ClO4)3 • CH3OH,7,[Cu2(dien)2(L3)2][X]2,[X = BF4,8,OAc,9,ClO4,10],[Cu(dien)(L4)](ClO4),11,[Cu(dien)(L4)](BF4),12,[Cu(dien)(L5)](BF4)2,13,[Cu3(dien)3(L6)](BF4)3,14與[Ni(dien)(L3)]4(NO3)4 • 2CH3OH,15,這些化合物經由X-ray單晶繞射儀瞭解其結構特性。 化合物[Cu(dien)(L2)][X],[X = NO3,3,BF4,4,ClO4,5]為單核銅金屬結構,藉由銅金屬中心與四個氮原子及一個氧原子,形成一個扭曲的雙三角錐或四角錐;配位基L2利用吡啶環上的氮原子及羧酸基上的氧原子與二價銅金屬中心螯合,形成一個{CuNOC2}的五員環;化合物 [Cu3(dien)3(L2)2](ClO4)4 • CH3OH,6 為三核銅分子。三個獨立的二價銅原子中心,Cu(1),Cu(2)與Cu(3)銅原子分別藉由L2的螯合與橋接與dien配位基形成直線形三核銅結構。 雙核銅化合物 [Cu2(dien)2(L3)](ClO4)3 • CH3OH,7,中心金屬銅為扭曲的平面四邊構形,配位基L3利用吡啶環上的氮原子與羧酸基上的氧原子與二價銅金屬中心橋接。在雙核銅環形化合物[Cu2(dien)2(L3)2][X]2,[X = BF4,8,OAc,9,ClO4,10]中,兩個銅金屬中心分別與配位基L3橋接成{Cu2N2O2C6}十二員環的金屬巨環。 {[Cu(dien)(L4)][X]},[X = ClO4,11,BF4,12]為一維Z字鏈配位高分子結構,配位基L4經由吡啶上的氮原子及羧酸基上的氧原子與二價銅金屬中心橋接;化合物[Cu(dien)(L5)](BF4)2,13的構形為扭曲的四角錐構形;化合物14為三核的構形,三個二價銅金屬中心分別與L62橋接形成平面四邊形-四角錐-平面四邊形的直線三核銅結構。化合物[Ni(dien)(L3)]4(NO3)4 • 2CH3OH,15中,四核二價鎳金屬中心與四個L3配位基橋接,並與二亞乙基三胺螯合,形成四核環狀的構形。



Abstract This thesis includes two parts discussing the syntheses, structures and interactions of metal complexes containing polydentate amine ligands. Part I. The reactions of melamine with CuCl2 • 2H2O and Cu(OAc)2 • H2O in boiling methanol afforded the complexes Cu2Cl2(μ-Cl)(μ-OCH3)(CH3OH)2(L1)2 • 2Et2O (L1 = melamine), (1), and [Cu(η1-OAc)(μ-OCH3)(L1)]2 • 0.33H2O, (2), respectively, which were characterized by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The molecules of these two complexes are interlinked by the N-H---N self-complementary hydrogen bonds and N-H---X (X = Cl or O) interactions to form 2-D molecular sheets and a 3-D porous structure, respectively. Complex 2 shows both hexagonal and triangular pores constrained by the N-H---N self-complementary hydrogen bonds. Thermal gravimetric analyses (TGA) show that the 3-D porous framework constrained by the N-H---N self-complementary hydrogen bonds is more stable then the 2-D sheets. Part II. The reactions of pyridyl carboxylic acid and diethylenetriamine (dien) with Cu(NO3)2 • 6H2O, Cu(ClO4)2 • 6H2O, Cu(BF4)2 • 6H2O, Cu(OAc)2 • H2O, and Ni(NO3)2 • 6H2O afforded [Cu(dien)(L2)](NO3), 3, [Cu(dien)(L2)](BF4), 4, [Cu(dien)(L2)](ClO4) • CH3OH, 5, [Cu3(dien)3(L2)2](ClO4)4 • CH3OH, 6, [Cu2(dien)2(L3)](ClO4)3 • CH3OH, 7, [Cu2(dien)2(L3)2](BF4)2 • 2CH3OH, 8, [Cu2(dien)2(L3)2](L3)2, 9, [Cu2(dien)2(L3)2](ClO4)2 • 2CH3OH, 10, [Cu(dien)(L4)](ClO4), 11, [Cu(dien)(L4)](BF4), 12, [Cu(dien)(L5)](BF4)2, 13, [Cu3(dien)3(L6)](BF4)3, 14 and Ni(II) complex of the type [Ni(dien)(L3)]4(NO3)4 • 2CH3OH, 15, respectively. These complexes were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction method. Complexes 3, 4 and 5 are mononuclear with each Cu(II) metal center coordinated by a tridentate dien ligand and chelated by a L2 ligand through the pyridyl nitrogen atom and one of the carboxylate oxygen atoms, whereas complex 6 is trinuclear in which the three Cu(II) centers are coordinated by a tridentate dien ligand and bridged by the L2 ligands. Complexes 7, 8, 9 and 10 are dinuclear in which the two metal centers are bridged by the L3 ligands and complexes 8, 9 and 10 form the twelve-membered metallocycles involving two Cu(II) ions that are bridged by two L3 ligands. Complexes 11 and 12 form 1-D linear chains, in which the Cu(II) metal centers are bridged by the L4 ligands through pyridyl nitrogen atom and one of the carboxylate oxygen atoms. Complex 13 is mononuclear while complex 14 is trinuclear and their metal centers are coordinated by the dien and L62 ligands. The L62 ligand in 14 bridges the metal centers through the pyridyl nitrogen atoms and one of the oxygen atoms of the monodentate carboxylate group. Complex 15 forms a tetranuclear cage with the four Ni(II) metal centers bridged by four L3 ligands and each Ni(II) metal center adopts the distorted octahedral geometry. Thermal gravimetric analyses (TGA) were carried out to investigate their thermal properties.



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