  • 學位論文


Study on Potentiometric Glucose Biosensor Based on SnO2/ITO/PET Substrate

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc2d908c)


酸鹼感測器為一種量測水溶液中酸度與鹼值之儀器。傳統酸鹼儀表之組成為經過特殊處理之玻璃電極,在接上電子儀表後可以量測與讀出待測液之酸鹼值,為發展成熟之技術,酸鹼感測器對於離子選擇電極與生物感測器皆相當重要,因在加上不同之感測膜後,可感測其他離子與生化待測液。氫離子感測元件有電化學式、光學式、壓電式等,其中以電化學式最為流行,本研究即以電化學方法中之電壓量測方式研製酸鹼感測器。 因時下之糖尿病患者皆相當注重控制血糖,故血糖濃度之監視變得相當重要,以致前端感測器之優劣成為重要的課題。生物感測器為結合生化元素與物理或化學偵測原理之元件。在酸鹼感測元件之架構上,研製電壓式葡萄糖感測器遂為本論文之重點。生物感測器之發展上,電流式之生物感測器具快速反應與準確之優勢,但電壓式在備製與操作上有較簡易之優點。 目前在光電產業上,因氧化銦錫/聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯塑膠基板之可撓性與極佳的透光度,已廣泛取代傳統之玻璃基板。本論文以半導體射頻濺鍍法將二氧化錫感測膜濺鍍在塑膠基板上,製作酸鹼感測元件,此因塑膠基板極薄之厚度在製作元件的過程中有大量製造之優點。由於二氧化錫金屬氧化層之效果,使酸鹼感測元件之感測度增加,亦降低元件之非理想效應。本論文最後以葡萄糖氧化酵素、甲殼素與奈米碳管製作電壓式葡萄糖感測器,其感測度可達0.2443 mV/(mg/dl),輸出電壓響應介於150 mV至200 mV之間,其非理想效應(遲滯與時漂)亦在本論文中作描述。


A pH sensor is an electronic instrument used to measure the pH value that is acidity or alkalinity of a liquid. A typical pH meter consists of a special measuring probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays the pH reading. The pH sensing electrode has already been a cutting edge technology. A pH sensor is also important for ion-selective electrode (ISE) and biosensor, because pH sensor can be coated with specific sensing membrane to detect other ions and chemical or biochemical solutions, it dose not only limit to detect hydrogen ions. So a pH sensor plays an important role on development of chemical and biochemical science. The hydrogen ions sensing device has several types: electrochemical, optical, piezo-electric and calorimetric, etc.. The most popular form is electrochemical. In this study, we would like to present the potentiometric type. Up to now, the patients of diabetes mellitus have paid much attention on control of blood sugar. Monitoring the blood sugar concentration becomes regular thing in daily life for diabetes, so the preceding sensing device is vital in medical monitor. A biosensor is a device for the detection of an analyte that combines biological component with a physical or chemical detect component. In this thesis, we fabricated glucose biosensor by potentiometric methods. On the development of biosensor, although the amperometric one has faster response and the accuracy is better, but the potentiometric type is simple in preparation, easy in operation and selective in analytical performance. Recently, an ITO/PET substrate replaces a glass substrate in photoelectric industries extensively, because the benefits of flexile characteristic and good transmittance. In this article, we utilized R.F. sputter technique to coat SnO2 membrane on ITO/PET substrate and fabricated a potentiometric pH electrode. The ITO/PET substrate make sensor can be fabricated a large amount, due to the thickness of the plastic substrate is thin enough. Finally, we used the sensing characteristic of hydrogen ions sensing electrode to create a glucose biosensor based on chitosan (chi) and carbon nano-tubes (CNTs). The coating of SnO2 thin film makes the basic properties of the hydrogen ions sensing device better, especially in sensitivity and non-ideal effect. Finally, the potentiometric glucose biosensor based on pH sensor is going to be presented and discussed. The sensitivity of the potentiometric glucose biosensor reaches to 0.2443 mV/(mg/dl), because of the effect of mediator of carbon nano-tubes (CNTs), the output response is between 150 mV and 200 mV.


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