  • 學位論文

「校園電子錢包」使用意願之研究 —以H技術學院師生為例—

"e- Purse"--- A Study of the Customers' Needs on Campus ( H College as an Example)

指導教授 : 李正文


在凡事講求效率的社會,傳統的現金收款、付款已跟不上潮流,擁有電子錢包功能的智慧卡儼然成為現今e化社會之趨勢。所謂的電子錢包係利用電子形式將現金價值儲存或預付在智慧卡上,消費者或持卡人得以使用所儲存金錢價值之全部或一部分進行消費,以取代傳統現金支付之行為。在日常生活上類似之應用如:悠遊卡、icash等;不僅如此,電子錢包也逐漸進入了校園之中,如本研究學校之「校園數位證」即擁有校園電子錢包之功能。 本研究受限於時間、人力、物力及資源等問題,故僅對台北縣某使用校園電子錢包的私立大專院校之師生做探討,共發出1,000份問卷,回收845份,扣除無效問卷129份後,有效問卷達716份,預試問卷回收後經項目分析、因素分析、信效度分析後修正為正式問卷。正式問卷則搭配該校相關活動推出填問卷抽獎以增加填寫問卷之意願,本研究方法採線上填答,全校一萬餘學生,總共回收1,058份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,共計975份有效問卷。 本研究除了分析受訪者的樣本分佈情形,並對「認知」、「使用因素」、「滿意度」及「未使用因素」之平均數與標準差作分析,另外透過獨立樣本t-test及單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)檢定不同人口統計變項在各變數之差異,最後以典型相關分析探究各變數之相關性。研究發現:不同的人口統計變項對「認知」、「使用因素」、「滿意度」及「未使用因素」有部份達顯著影響;另外在使用情況下,「認知」、「使用因素」、「滿意度」三個構面皆達顯著相關;在未使用情況下,「認知」及「未使用因素」亦達顯著相關。研究結果建議管理者應加強優惠折扣的宣導推廣,並且增加店家的數量及商品種類等消費選擇,才能增加更多使用率。


In a society that prides on efficiency, traditional cash transactions are no long fashionable. The e-purse cards are becoming the new electronic culture of today. The definition of e purse is the capability of storing cash and account information on a smart chip. The holder of the card can use it for his/her daily transaction to replace the traditional cash payment, for example easycard and icash. Besides the day to day use, the e-purse is gaining traction in to the campus. As a consequence, the primary research of this paper concentrated on the school electronic identification system and its purse capabilities. The samples of the research are selected from one of the private college in Taipei country. Due to the limitation of time, human and material resources, we send out one thousand questionnaires and received 845 replies. Out of the 845 replies, 129 were deemed not applicable. It left the research with a sample of 716 sample questionnaires. We conduct the items analysis, factor analysis, and reliability and validity analysis on the returned samples and modify into final questionnaires. The final questionnaires are sent out online and collocates various activities, lottery, and volunteer efforts. The research sent the final version to 10,000 students. 1058 replies were receives and 975 are complete and useful for the study. The research not only analysis the usages of the participant but it also looked into other factors such as cognition, the customers’ needs for use and not use, and satisfaction. In addition t-test and One way ANOVA are applied to account for various different in the sample. Finally, the canonical correlation analysis is used to show that the cognition, the customers’ needs, and satisfaction are affected by difference in the study sample. We conclude that there are significant relationships among cognition, the customers’ needs for use, and satisfaction. The same significant relashipship also applied to congnition and the customers’ needs for not use. The research suggests that the manager of business should use additional discount, promotion and additional shop participant to encourage additional visibility and use.


Samrt Card e-purse RFID cognition satisfaction customers’ needs


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