  • 學位論文


A study on elaborate strategy for the roadway smoothness

指導教授 : 何仲明


摘 要 關鍵詞:國際糙度指標、柔性鋪面狀況指標 國家的進步可由其街道路面維護之情形為開發中或已開發國家之表徵,桃園縣為國都之門,國外旅客進入台灣必經之地,故該縣轄道路品質之提昇非但能提高行車速率,促進通路產能增進國家競爭力亦可改善街道景觀予以國外旅人深刻的印象。 根據AASHTO道路試驗指出路面服務能力有95%是由鋪面表層的平坦度所貢獻,一般對平坦度的解釋即道路表面的任何狀況讓駕駛者感到不舒適,其影響因素主要來自速度、車輛的特性與駕駛者或乘客的容忍度,路面平坦度,隨著車輛荷重的反覆作用、周圍環境(溫度與溼度)的週期性變化影響與路面使用年齡的增加而逐漸下降,當平坦度下降到某一限度時,路面的行駛品質不能滿足行車對路面的基本功能要求,便需採取改善措施,以恢復路面的功能;道路之平坦舒適非但可提高行車速率流,提昇道路服務品質,且能有效疏解車流,節省社會成本降低車禍之發生,保障人民生命財產的安全。 國際糙度指標IRI值為道路平坦度的國際通用的指標,本研究以IRI值為道路改善指標,除可為道路養護機關共通的標準,亦可與國際接軌;並以IRI改善值分析比較道路平坦度改善成效,提供較佳工法做為道路施工養護工法的參考,運用調查統計分析方法,並以歸納法研擬精進策略以提昇道路服務品質。


Abstract Road maintenance can be a symbol of a country’s progress in developing and developed countries. Foreign travelers must pass through Taoyuan County which is the gateway of Taiwan. So the promotion of roadway quality can not only increase the driving speed but also enhance the competitiveness of a country, as well as creating a great impression in streetscape on foreign travelers. According to AASHTO, 95% roadway service capabilities were distributed by road smoothness in pavement its surface. Defined as any condition of the road surface that cause the drivers to experience uncomfortable. The main effective factor comes from speed, characteristics of vehicles, tolerance of drivers or passengers. Roadway smoothness decreased gradually with the repeatedly of vehicle load, periodical change of surrounding environment (temperature, humidity) and increasing use age. It is necessary to take improvement measures to recover the road service quality when road smoothness declined to a certain limit which cannot fulfill the basic demand for driving; The comfortable and the smoothness of roadway can enhance the driving speed to improve the service quality, furthermore, to evacuate cars on road and save social cost to decrease incidence rate of car crashes, to ensure the safety of human life and property. International Roughness Index (IRI) is an international standard used to evaluate the smoothness of roads. The author utilized IRI as a roadway improvement index in this research due to its compatibility to international codes. This study also proposes IRI as an evaluation tool for roadway smoothness and guideline for future maintenance. For promoting roadway service quality, the author develop a further accurate strategy via inductive method by making use of survey, statistics and analysis. Key words: International Roughness Index, PCI


PCI International Roughness Index


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