  • 學位論文


The Optimal Retailer's Ordering Policies with Trade Credit Financing and Limited Storage Capacity

指導教授 : ARRAY(0xc70ff30)


存貨的功能在於能夠幫助企業調節生產系統製造產品,以便滿足顧客立即交貨或短交期的需求。Harris(1913)提出經濟訂購量模型(Economic Order Quantity Model, EOQ),並由Wilson(1934)推廣,此模式以訂購成本、整備成本與持有成本總和之最小化為考量基礎,利用數學計算方式求得最適訂購量與訂購週期,以達成存貨數量與成本最低之間的平衡。 在現實交易行為中,供應商為增加銷售量或刺激市場需求會提供零售商一段延遲付款的期間,零售商在信用交易期限內,不需貸款融資,並且在這段期間內,零售商可將銷貨收入存放銀行帳戶賺取利息,此機制稱為一階信用交易,Goyal(1985)便是在站在零售商角度,提出在延遲付款機制下之經濟訂購量模型。 Huang(2003)提出二階信用交易則是考慮零售商為了刺激買氣,在顧客購買時,亦會給予一段延遲付款的期間,而在此期間顧客只需支付訂金即可,其餘款項則在延遲付款到期日結清。Teng(2007)研究指出,零售商可能有兩種方式結清欠款:其一,零售商一有銷貨收入時便立刻支付欠款,再對不足額部分進行貸款;其二,零售商保持銷售收入用在支付欠款以外之用途,如此意味著零售商將會全額貸款。 在現實情況中,企業亦可能基於資金、空間、距離等因素考量,使得企業自有倉儲容量不一定大到滿足所有存貨數量的需求,因此現實中較佳與常見的解決方式,即是向外尋找庫存空間,為了讓倉儲外租成本與存貨成本最小化,存貨管理與倉儲決策的之間的選擇更是重要。Huang(2006) 即是探討在二階信用交易下零售商庫存空間有限之最佳存貨補充策略。然而,本研究亦嘗試導入有限倉儲之概念,將Teng (2007)之研究與以推廣,建立不同於Huang(2006)的存貨模型,使模型更接近於現實。


In this paper, the authors try to promote the concept of Teng et al. (2007) and then establish a new model which regards the retailer’s different financing policies under conditions of permissible delay in payments as well as limited storage capacity. Besides the discussion of different financing policies, this new model discovers that the comparison of trade credit period and payment time is crucial to the determination of optimal cycle time. Teng et al. (2007) had combined financing policies with two levels of trade credit, they did not, however, integrate the concept of different warehouses. Thus the authors develop an inventory model which takes two levels of trade credit and two different warehouses into account. In this model, a rented warehouse (RW) is used to store the excess units over the fixed capacity W of the owned warehouse (OW) and the holding cost in RW is greater than that in OW. This paper adopts Teng’s viewpoint (2002) that the retailer’s unit selling price is greater than the unit purchasing price. The stocks of RW are identical to those in OW and the stocks in both warehouses have same release pattern but the stocks of RW will be released first. The authors then use derivatives approach to develop four theorems to determine the optimal replenishment cycle time. And finally several numerical examples are given to illustrate these theorems.


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