  • 學位論文


The Influence of Art Infusion on Product Evaluation of Consumer

指導教授 : 廖本哲


藝術導入是一種現象,此種現象指的是將著名、經典的視覺藝術應用於商品設計、包裝設計、廣告、甚至是行銷手段中,使消費者認為此商品的價值與品質高於其他同類商品,致使消費者對商品評估的提升。 而在藝術導入架構之下包含著奢華知覺外溢的效果,簡言之,消費者在接觸與經典藝術結合的商品時會產生奢華、高級的感受,並因為此感受而額外增加對該商品的評估。而此現象在西方已開發國家的市場環境中已被驗證,本研究旨在探討該現象在台灣的市場環境中是否也能得證。除此之外,本研究在此架構被驗證的環境下,投入消費者特性與商品特性進一步探討藝術導入現象,以更深入的角度來探討藝術導入對台灣消費環境的影響。在消費者特性方面,本研究考量的面向是「消費者對於藝術的接觸程度」;而商品特性則是以「商品價位」作為討論的議題。 本研究的結果發現在台灣的市場環境中,以西方的經典藝術作為刺激物的實驗仍可驗證藝術導入現象的存在;而消費者對藝術接觸程度的不同,也著實影響著藝術導入的影響力,本研究更進一步發現,藝術導入現象對藝術接觸程度較深的受測者產生的影響低於對藝術接觸程度低的受測者;而在商品價位對藝術導入架構干擾的探討,實驗結果發現商品價位對奢華知覺未產生顯著的影響,因此也無法推論是否商品價位的差異會透過消費者的奢華知覺,更進一步地對商品評估產生影響。 本研究之驗證結果提供業者關於藝術與商品結合之現象,為商品設計或廣告設計提供更多不同的執行方案,使商品概念符合市場思維,以在有限的行銷預算上增添更多獲利。


Art Infusion means a kind of phenomenon, which puts famous or classical visual arts on product design, package design, advertisings, even in marketing campaign, to makes customers the values and quality of this product is higher than others. And the product evaluation of consumer will be rise by the effect of art infusion of this mode. The spillover effect of perception of luxury does contain in the art infusion mode. In one word, when customers reaches the product which with art, this will brings the feel of luxury and high class. Cause of those feels, people will raise the evaluation of product. Art infusion has been verified in western countries. This study is trying to verify the same phenomenon in market environment of Taiwan. Except for this purpose, this study will aids two variables to consider under the verified art infusion mode to discuss this issue by deeper approach. Those two variables are related with customer’s characteristic and product’s characteristic. In the characteristic of customer, this study considers the familiar degree with art of customer. In the characteristic of product, the study considers the price of product. The results of this study present that in the market environment of Taiwan use the western classical visual art to be the experimental stimulate can also verify that art infusion phenomenon is exists. And the influence of art infusion vary with the different in degree of art familiar. Moreover, the more familiar with art, the more lower influence for product evaluation of customer. At the same time, product’s price was verified that there has no significant effect for perception of luxury. And it also can’t infer that product’s price has significant effect for product evaluation through perception of luxury. The results of study indicates some tendencies on market, and provide more different solutions for product design or advertisement design. To obtain more benefits under limited marketing bandage.


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