  • 學位論文

網路行銷對實體通路經營績效影響之研究 -以台灣專業型及複合型賣場為例

Study on Effects between Internet Marketing and Performance of Physical Channel - An Empirical Survey of Professional and Compound Hypermarkets

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


有鑑於網際網路的興起,隨著使用網路的人口不斷攀升,網路購物己成為消費者及企業組織間最直接的接觸,網際網路的出現已使商業競爭從「實體通路市場」移轉至「虛擬網路市場」。本研究旨在探討不同的網路行銷型態在實體通路行銷策略及顧客消費行為上有何影響?其次,探討網路行銷如何對實體通路產生更好的經營績效及其關聯效應,最後,針對實體通路如何運用網路行銷創造市場潛藏的巨大商機,進而提升其經營績效。 本研究將實體通路分為專業型及複合型兩種類型的賣場,並將網路行銷類型區分為電子商務、入口網站、網路社群及行動商務四種類型,並從產品策略、價格策略、促銷策略與通路策略等傳統行銷組合策略作為衡量實體通路行銷模式的主要構面,此外,並透過顧客經驗、顧客關係、顧客溝通與顧客社群探究顧客消費行為;而有關實體通路經營績效的衡量則以顧客忠誠度及顧客滿意度做為分類的基礎。 經由結構式問卷設計,透過專業型及複合型實體賣場之發放,以及在網路上進行問卷填答與催收,總計回收463份問卷,扣除11 份無效問卷後,共計452份有效問卷。經由統計分析,透過卡方檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法檢定本研究所設定的各項假設,分析結果顯示: 1. 實體通路類型與網路行銷類型之關係並無顯著影響。 2. 實體通路類型與行銷策略關係具有顯著相關。 3. 實體通路類型及網路行銷與顧客消費行為無直接顯著影響。 4. 實體通路類型與實體通路績效之間具有顯著影響。 5. 網路行銷類型與行銷策略之間具有顯著影響。 6. 行銷策略與實體通路績效為中度相關,兩者影響程度中等。 7. 顧客消費行為與實體通路績效為高度相關,兩者影響程度很高。 8. 網路行銷類型與實體通路績效關係分析結果兩者並無顯著影響。 由於網路使用的便利性,而且網絡通路比實體通路產品售價相對較低,消費者有從實體通路轉向線上購物之趨勢,綜合本研究之結論,實體通路確實已面臨前所未有的消費型態轉變以及通路結構轉型之挑戰,不論是專業型或複合型實體賣場,都應導入網路行銷,並針對網絡使用者的目標市場進行顧客消費行為的深入探究,以及研擬有效的行銷策略,如此方能在面對網路行銷的新趨勢來臨之際,企業做好預應新思維。


Due to the rise of the internet with numerous internet users, internet shopping has become the most direct touch between consumers and business organization, the appearance of the internet has transferred the commercial competition from physical channel to virtual internet market. The study aims to discuss what different kinds of the marketing styles affect on the strategy of physical channel marketing and the customer consumption behaviors. Moreover, discussing how the internet marketing produces better performance on physical channel and its correlative effects. Finally, in connection with how the physical channel uses internet marketing to create huge commercial possibilities from potential market, and then elevates its performance. The study divides the physical channel into two types of markets- professional and complex markets, and separates four types of marketing- E-commerce, portal site, internet community, business operation from internet marketing, trying to measure the main aspect of the model of physical channel marketing from traditional 4Ps. Besides, the study explores the customer consumption behaviors through customer experience, customer relations, customer communication, customer community, and uses customer loyalty, customer satisfaction as the basis of classification for the measurement related to the performance of physical channel. By designing the structural questionnaire provided through the professional, complex markets and the internet, the numbers of retrieved questionnaires were totally 463, after deducting 11 futile ones, there’re 452 valid questionnaires in all. By way of statistics analysis, using Chi-Squared tests, one way ANOVA, Pearson relative analysis, regression analysis to test the hypothesises the study sets, the results show: 1. There’s no remarkable effect between the relationship of the types of physical channels and the types of internet marketing. 2. There’s a remarkable relative between the relationship of the types of physical channels and marketing strategy. 3. There’s no direct remarkable effect between the types of physical channels, internet marketing and customer consumption behaviors. 4. There’s a remarkable effect between the types of physical channels and the performance of physical channel. 5. There’s a remarkable effect between the types of internet marketing and marketing strategy. 6. There’s mid-relative between marketing strategy and the performance of physical channel. Both effect levels are medium. 7. There’s high-relative between customer consumption behaviors and the performance of physical channel. Both effect levels are high. 8. There’s no remarkable effect between the relationship of the types of internet marketing and the performance of physical channel. Owing to the convenience of using the internet, and the price of the virtual channel is relatively lower than the physical channel, consumers have a trend to shop from the physical channel to the internet. Synthesizing the conclusions of the study, the physical channel has indeed faced the unprecedented challenges from a change of consumption styles and a transition of channel structures, no matter the professional or the complex markets, they both should introduce internet marketing, being aimed at target market of internet users to do deep research of customer consumption behaviors, and set effective marketing strategy. By doing so, businesses can have a new thinking to prevent when facing the new trend of internet marketing.


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