  • 學位論文


Simulation of the Influenza Pandemic and Its Intervention strategies

指導教授 : 陳慧芬


摘要 二十世紀共發生三次流感大流行,西班牙流感(1918-1920)造成約五億二千多萬人感 染,約二千萬人~一億人死亡;亞洲流感(1957-1958)造成一百萬~一百五十萬人死亡; 香港流感(1968-1969)造成約一百萬人死亡。流感被認為是最具大流行潛力的傳染病,人 類缺乏對新型流感病毒之免疫能力,一但爆發全球大流行,將對人類造成重大影響。 Longini 等人以mixing group 來表達疾病傳播場合(如學校、工作場所、家庭)互相接觸的 概念,以此建立流感模式和流感模擬參數;Longini 等人也提出多種以抗病毒藥劑及疫苗為主 的流感備戰策略,並比較策略成效。Chuang 等人使用台灣的人口資料建立一個以台灣人口為 基礎之流感模擬模式,參照Longini 等人mixing group 之概念和流感模擬參數,並將模擬模式 分成daytime 和nighttime,模擬期間為180 天,其流感模擬器運算效率極高,當台灣人口結 構為2300 萬時,可以在5 分鐘以內完成一次流感模擬。 此研究建構以台灣地區人口為範圍的流感大流行模擬器,參考Longini 及Chuang 等人提 出之流感模擬參數(包括接觸及傳染機率、備戰策略效用參數),除考慮daytime 和nighttime 外,還考慮區域間人口的流動,為了提高流感模擬器的執行速度,採用一千人以一個模擬個 體代表及一百人以一個模擬個體代表,並比較此兩種形式之模擬結果。此研究還參考Longini 等人提出之備戰策略(見3.2 節),及台灣近期提出之備戰策略(見4.2 節),評估施打抗病毒 藥劑及疫苗等備戰策略的成效。 根據模擬結果,未使用任何策略時,平均感染人數為356.7/1000 模擬個體,平均死亡 人數為0.92/1000 模擬個體;持續施打八星期的抗病毒藥劑之策略下,平均感染人數為53.1 /1000 模擬個體,平均死亡人數為0.13/1000 模擬個體;針對百分之八十的孩童施打疫苗策 略下,平均感染人數為102.6/1000 模擬個體,平均死亡人數為0.36/1000 模擬個體。台灣 近期備戰策略中(疫苗限制500 百萬劑,考慮疫苗施打優先順序),在針對小於1 - 18 歲百分 之九十之學童施打疫苗,其餘疫苗將於二個月後開放予0 - 1 歲和19 歲以上成人施打之策略, 平均感染人數為85.5/1000 模擬個體,平均死亡人數為0.3/1000 模擬個體。 抗病毒藥劑策略中,即時施打藥劑,可以減少藥劑浪費及轎佳的防疫效果;疫苗策略中, 針對學童施打疫苗可控制疫苗藥劑數量之消耗;以台灣人口結構下之疫苗接種策略,針對成 人施打疫苗之策略可進一步加以研究。模擬個體敏感度分析方面,整體疾病侵襲率差距只有 0.06%,以1000/模擬個體的模擬方式是可行的,不但可以縮短模擬時間,模擬結果也不會 差距太大。


In 20th century, there are three influenza pandemics outbreak, first are Spanish flu (1918-1920) infected more then 525 million people and about 20 to 100 million people death; second are Asian Flu (1957-1958) caused about 1 to 1.5 million people death; three Hong Kong Flu (1968-1969) caused about 1 million people death. Influenza is a greatest threat to cause human pandemic of potentially devastating, and human have no immunity to novel influenza strain at the source, if influenza outbreak to pandemic will have greatest threat of human health. Longini et al. use mixing group concept to explain human contact group (ex: family, school, and work place), then construct influenza model and parameter. Longini et al. propose many intervention strategies of antiviral and vaccine and compare these strategies efficacy. Chuang et al. construct influenza simulator based on Taiwan population, they refer to Longini’s influenza model and parameter. Chuang simulation cover 180 days, module runs in cycles of 12-hour periods (daytime and nighttime), there implementation can complete one run of simulation in less 5 minutes. This research construct influenza simulation model based on Taiwan population, and refers to Longini and Chuang influenza model, parameter and intervention strategies. Other consider people moving and entity (1000 / entity and 100 / entity) concept for speed up simulation, final compare intervention strategies efficacy. According to result, average infected is 356.7/1000 (entity) and average death is 0.92/1000 (entity) with no intervention strategies. At 80% targeted antiviral prophylaxis strategies average infected is 53.1/1000 (entity) and average death is 0.13/1000 (entity). At vaccination for 80% of children strategies average infected is 102.6/1000 (entity) and average death is 0.36/1000 (entity). At antiviral strategies, inject does in time can reduce does for people. At vaccine strategies, target to children can control does quantity. Based on Taiwan population, the vaccine strategies of total population can reconsider for this research.


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