  • 學位論文


A Study of the R.O.C Military Procurement System and the U.S. Defense Acquisition System

指導教授 : 陳櫻琴


近五年立法院對國防預算的編列要求需維持在國民生產毛額(GDP)3%的水準,2004年國防部提出三項軍購預算更高達6108億,引起社會各界輿論不斷,軍事機關在執行如此龐大預算下,應如何建立健全的採購機制及完整的作業流程,則益顯重要。因我國軍事採購長期以來均以美國為最大武器供售國,本文擬藉由探討美國國防採購制度之現況,比較我國軍事採購作業有無可改善之處。 本文以比較法為主,來探討兩國採購法令、組織及教育訓練的現況。在研究中獲悉「DoDD 5000.01訓令」及「DoDI5000.02指令」為瞭解美國國防獲得政策與獲得作業程序的重要文件,其特殊之處在於充分運用里程碑決策機制,並賦予專案經理人權力,研擬相關法規及採購流程,以建立精簡靈活的管理系統,達到省錢、省時、高效能的採購目標。 經綜合比較後,發現美國國防獲得制度在許多方面雖有創新及獨到之處,然限於兩國不同的國情、財力及政治因素等考量,亦無法全般適用於我國,最後本文提出四項建議:一、設立專業的國防採購政策研究單位,二、落實採購人員的教育訓練,三、以專案管理制度取代傳統採購方式,四、建立完整法律制度體系,做為軍事機關採購制度改革之參考。


In recent five years, the Republic of China (ROC) Congress required that the military expenditure for each year must keep over three percents of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Especially, the budget plan, proposed by Ministry of National Defense (MND) for military procurement of the three weapons in 2004, is very expensive as NT 610.8 billions. This indeed raised the public attention around the country. However, for such massive amount of military expenditure, how MND undertakes this budget based on a comprehensive mechanism of military procurement and complete procedure of its operation is being a very important issue. In addition, since many decades ago, the United States has been the biggest arms provider for Taiwan. Therefore, in order to suggest a feasible improvement plan of military procurement for our armed forces, this thesis aims on the analysis of ROC defense acquisition by exploring the US acquisition system. In this research, the method of comparison analysis is adopted to examine the current relevant statutes, organizations, and education & training under the two acquisition systems. It also has been found that DoDD5000.01 and DoDI5000.02 are the primary documents of understanding the US defense acquisition policy and acquisition procedure. Their important idea is to provide the project manager necessary authority by fully conducting the “Milestone Decision Authority (MDA).” Furthermore, the relevant regulations and acquisition procedure can be made accordingly, so that the precise and flexible management system can be established in order to accomplish an economic, timesaving and efficient acquisition. However, through comprehensive comparison, due to the state’s situation, financial capability and political factors, it can be argued that the methods of US defense acquisition system are not able to be entirely implemented into our military procurement even though these methods are creative and special. Consequently, the four approaches are suggested in this thesis as follows: 1.Establish a research unit of defense acquisition for policy making. 2.Carry out the professional education & training for the staff of military procurement. 3.Improve the traditional procedure of military procurement by using the project management system. 4.Establish a comprehensive legal system as the consultancy of revolution for military procurement.


