  • 學位論文


A Study of Trust Based on Recent Taiwan Supreme Court Decisions

指導教授 : 葉賽鶯


信託制度引進我國已行之有年,至今仍以飛快的速度發展。作為我國信託制度運作根據之母法-信託法,於民國85年1月26日施行至今即將邁入第14個年頭,一向在我國司法實務上扮演重要指標之最高法院,歷年來就其審理有關信託法律關係之信託事件,已提出為數不少見解可供參酌,值得吾人從中一窺其奧秘。本文以信託法公布施行後,最高法院於歷年之信託裁判所提出之見解為研究重心,並與我國學說之見解相互分析,藉以探討信託法在司法實務上所衍生問題,期待能對我國信託制度有更深層的瞭解。 本文之架構共分為五章。首先,本文在第一章說明以「最高法院信託裁判之研究」為題之研究動機、目的、範圍、方法、與限制。希望透過對最高法院信託裁判所持見解之探討,將我國現行信託實務作一系統性及全面性的分析,以裨提供各界將信託法應用於信託事件時之參考。其次,在第二章則將信託之基本概念,包含信託之源起、沿革以及我國信託法制定之前及之後有關信託法律關係作簡單介紹,以期對我國信託制度能有初步瞭解。第三章則自司法院法學資料檢索系統中搜尋,信託法施行至今14年,最高法院審理之信託裁判,並將其所提出之見解作彙整與分析,藉以剖析我國司法實務界對信託制度之看法。第四章則就最高法院於信託事件之見解,與我國學說對相關問題所提出之見解互相對照,並試圖提出論者個人淺見,藉此檢視信託法制於我國信託實務之發展。第五章則歸納整理前述章節之內容,提出本論文研究心得與相關修法之建議,期盼對我國未來信託法制建構能有所裨益。


信託 信託法 信託裁判 信託實務


Trust System has been introduced into our country for years and still develops rapidly. As the parent Trust System, Trust Law has enacted for fourteen years since January 26, 1996. The Supreme Court plays an essential role in dealing with the Trust Law over the years. There are plenty of cases for reference through the Supreme Court views. In this paper, Trust Law was proposed to focus on the study about the insight into our doctrine of mutual analysis, in order to explore the problem through the trust law in the judicial decisions. The structure of this paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter indicates the motivation, purpose, scope, methodology, and limitations on the trust decisions of the Supreme Court. Through a canvass of the leading opinion of the Supreme Court trust decisions is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the trust events. Second is the introduction of the basic concept of the Trust, including the Trust's origins, evolution and development, and the briefly holistic history of the Trust System under enacting Trust Law. Third, we explore the judicial decisions of the Supreme Court from the Judicial Yuan information retrieval systems in the last fourteen years in order to analyze our judicial views on the Trust System. The following is the cross-checking comparison between the Supreme Court's opinion on the trust events and the relevant doctrine. Evaluate the practically developing trust system in personal viewpoints. Finally, the last one is the summary and amending opinion about the Trust Law to benefit our country Trust System.


