  • 學位論文


A Field Work Planning and Flexible Control System Based on Real-Time Data

指導教授 : 劉士豪


經濟全球化的現象迫使製造業必須以更具彈性的方式適應市場需求,但現行傳統製造業在進行生產時仍然仰賴人工作業安排生產計劃的排程,這種方式不僅勞心勞力也容易因為作業現場與生產管理人員之間的資訊落差導致反應能力不佳。因此本研究希望透過多重代理人技術協助安排傳統製造產業工廠內的生產排程計劃,利用代理人所具備的自主性與協調能力簡化繁複的排程作業,提高傳統工廠在生產製造上的表現及減少生產管理人員耗費在安排生產計劃上的時間與心力。代理人將以作業現場的即時資料為基礎進行自動化的協調,安排工單的投產、加工排序,使加工過程具批次生產的效益,並降低傳統製造產業對人工作業安排生產計劃的依賴,且減輕生產管理人員的負荷。 本次研究將利用Plant Simulation軟體作為系統模擬運行的實施方式,透過Plant Simulation建構模擬個案工廠內的機台狀態,並透過總完工時間(Total completion flowtime)、機台稼動率(Availability)、延遲時間(Tardiness)三項績效衡量指標評估本次研究中,以代理人進行作業現場製程自動化規劃、管控的表現。在代理人模式下的模擬結果發現,總完工時間與機台稼動率的表現較差,而延遲時間的表現則較好。


The phenomenon of global economic force manufacturing adapt itself to market demand in a more flexible way. However, the current traditional manufacturing industry still arrange production schedule by manpower. In this way, not only hard working but easily causes poor response ability between work site and production manager because information divide. This research expects traditional manufactory planning production schedule by multi-agent technology, which autonomy and coordination can simplify complex scheduling, reduce the time and effort of planning production schedule by production manager also improve the performance in manufacturing. Based on real-time data in site work, multi-agent will coordinate automatically to arrange the production and processing sorting of work orders. Then make process having the benefits of batch production, reduce the dependence on production plan in traditional manufacturing and decline production manager's load. This research will use the software, Plant Simulation, to be the system simulation, through this software to construct the simulation case factory’s machine status. Then, with three performances indicator, Total completion flowtime, Availability and Tardiness, can assess multi-agent carrying out process automation planning and the control of work site in this research. In the multi-agent mode, we found that it has poor performance on total completion time and availability, but better performance on tardiness.


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