  • 學位論文


A Research of Sequential Art in Retrofuturism Style

指導教授 : 黃文宗


關於「復古未來主義」是由Lloyd Dunn在1983年提出,是指當代創作中對人類早期的未來主義與科學幻想風格的模仿。復古未來主義將復古風格和具有科技色彩的未來主義風格相結合,通常反映了早期藝術家對未來的構想。不同時代風格的結合是在進行復古未來主義創作的基本核心要素,且時常以截然不同時代的造型元素交互揉合讓觀者產生既熟悉又陌生的奇妙既視感,達成吸引人目光的視覺效果。 復古未來主義經由過去幾十年不管是在電影影視產業、建築、時尚、音樂、電玩遊戲還是藝術及圖像設計產業都有極為深遠的影響。人們不停累積堆砌成眾多復古未來主義的創作,尤其在視覺表現上的圖像呈現極為豐富及出色,因此本研究創作主要目的在完成反應復古及未來主義元素的創作,從連環插畫方面著手,讓觀看者能夠從連環插畫中體會復古未來主義充滿故事性及想像力的世界觀,且表現結合復古未來主義後連環插畫的眾多表現可能。 本研究創作將以復古未來主義的造型與符號為創作的塑造重點,構成具有復古未來主義風格之創作。本創作研究將分為不同作畫風格的兩個系列:線條較複雜以襯托復古未來主義風格世界為主的「插畫」作品四張,簡單色塊造型以原創腳本繪製以傳達故事為主的「連環插畫」作品一本,共二十張的創作研究作品。期許研究者能將復古未來主義的風格特色結合插畫形式的特性的,營造出一個充分表現復古未來主義特色的作品。本次研究之作品也在2018年台灣文博會中展出。


Retrofuturism brought out by Lloyd Dunn in 1983, Retrofuturism is the imitation of early futurism artworks. Retrofuturism combine old school art style and futurism theme, Most of the times it reflects the future imagining images from early day artists. Like parallel universe It’s a possible future with old time’s vision. Retrofuturism Combine art elements from different ages, It makes watchers feel the déjà vu-like feelings, and achieve the visual effect that artists wish to do. For the last decades, Retrofuturism appears in all kind of arts industrials, from architecture, fashion, music, video game, to illustration and sequential art. Retrofuturism is a brilliant theme for artworkers to working on. People create all kind of remarkable Retro-futurism arts all around the world. This research is to create illustrations and sequential arts with Retrofuturism elements. And show the possibilities of combining sequential art and Retrofuturism, Bring audience to the old time Science-fiction world. In order to create Retrofuturism arts, this research will applying Retrofuturism style in the illustration and sequential art started from art elements and symbols. There are two subjects in this research. The first one is the illustration, four pieces of illustration art works. The second one is the sequential art, 16 pieces of a complete original story of Retrofuturism. This research will finished with 20 pieces, And discussed the main core style, history, and symbols of the Retrofuturism.


Retrofuturism Retro Illustration sequential art


Barthes, R.,許薔薔、許綺玲譯(1997),神話學,桂冠出版社,頁169-217。
Howells, R.,葛紅兵等譯(2007),視覺文化,廣西師範大學出版社。
