  • 學位論文


Research and Development on Low Voltage Microgrid Digital Protection Relay

指導教授 : 陳士麟


本文旨在開發一套適用於低電壓微電網的數位電驛,並以核能研究所內之微電網為測試平台,進行電驛採用保護方法之測試與電驛雛形建置。 本研究所開發之數位電驛為符合當微電網故障發生時,能不中斷非故障區的持續運轉,且必須因應微電網內再生能源的出力不穩定,俾包含兩樣特性;(1)必須在1.5個週波內偵測故障並隔離故障區;(2)若電網內負載及電源組合或運轉模式改變時,能自動調整電驛的偵測位準。並以行政院原子能委員會核能研究所,以下簡稱核研所(Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, INER)所建置之微電網為測試環境,驗證此保護系統在微電網架構改變以及分散式電源出力變動下,不須仰賴人工調整電驛的故障偵測閥值。本保護系統能自行修正電驛設定偵測與隔離故障,並在系統運轉模式轉換下(如市電轉孤島、孤島轉市電及馬達啟動等情況),能正確判別非故障情況時系統擾動而不致誤跳脫。本論文說明電驛本身故障偵測演算法、故障區間的判斷方法方法以及於核研所微電網所進行的人工故障試驗及市電轉孤島/孤島轉市電試驗及馬達啟動試驗以及對於電驛演算法之測試統整,測試結果證明本保護系統的可擴性、可適應性及可信賴性。


Abstract This study intends to develop a digital relay suitable for low voltage microgrid, and conducting tests for protect method and building relay prototype on Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER ) Microgrid which serves as a test platform . When microgrid have fault occurs,the digital relay developed in this research can continue to operate without interruption at non-fault zones and must adapt to the unstable output of renewable resource.The digital relay cotain two characteristics(1)when fault occurs this relay must detect the fault and isolate the fault zone in the 1.5 cycle;(2) If the load and power combination or the grid operating mode changed,this relay should adjust the detection threshold automatically.We program adaptibily and scalability tests at INER's microgrid to verification our protection method whether confrom this two characteristics.the protection system can adjust the fault detection threshold and distinguish the different between real fault and non-fault situation correctly. This paper describes the fault detection algorithm,fault zone location and some test result integration. And analysis these test results to verificate our digital realy should contain adaptability,scalability and dependability.


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