  • 學位論文


Study of Active Noise Control for Vacuum Cleaner

指導教授 : 張政元


主動式消噪吸塵器採用主動噪音控制(Active Noise Control, ANC)的理論為基礎,產生與吸塵器馬達噪音之反噪音來消除馬達噪音。現今吸塵器採用被動式抗噪,機構抗噪設計、包覆抗噪材質,都有一定效果,如再採用主動式抗噪的概念應用在吸塵器上,噪音可再降低,維護使用者在低噪音環境下操作,減少聽覺負擔。 本論文分析抑制聲學回授的主動式噪音控制前饋與混合式兩種演算法,對實際吸塵器進行消噪實驗,分析因果性、析取樣,找出最佳長度,提升消噪性能,也嘗試使用多通道系統來觀察其消噪能力,本文成功的建置直立式吸塵器裝置,成功應用吸塵器單通道ANC系統消噪,消噪能力可達6~12dB,實現吸塵器之主動式噪音消除研究,未來朝縮小裝置的方向研究,以符合居家大小使用。


The theory of vacuum cleaner noise cancellation is based on Active Noise Control (ANC). The anti-noise wave of a vacuum cleaner generated by secondary source can cancel vacuum cleaner noise. Passive Noise Control (PNC) is typically used for vacuum noise cancellation in soundproof structural designs and in sound-absorbing materials, both of that have a certain effect. This study presents analysis of feedforward and hybrid ANC systems with acoustic feedback neutralization algorithm. In order to find the best length and improve the ability of noise reduction, analysis of the causality and the sampling rate were conducted. We also analyzed the multiple-channel ANC system. Finally we constructed the best length and suitable size of the device that reaches the attenuation of 6-12 dB. In order to have more suitable device for home application, narrowing the device is suggested as future research.


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