  • 學位論文

薄片型葉片長寬比及輪鼓尺寸 對水平軸風力機系統性能之研究

Research on the influences of flake-type blade aspect ratio and hub size on the performance of a horizontal-axis wind turbine system

指導教授 : 翁輝竹


中文摘要 本論文完成水平軸風力機系統性能之研究,主要目的在探討不同風速及攻角 下、葉片長寬比及輪鼓尺寸對其機械能源、電力能源、轉子轉換效率、發電機 轉換效率及總轉換效率之影響。首先,以鍍鋅鐵薄片設計出不同長寬比的葉片。 接著,將葉片連接在不同尺寸的輪鼓並將其轉子結合於發電機上。再者,架設 該風力機於風洞測試系統中,使用風速計、轉速計、扭力傳輸器及電量計量取 風速、轉速、扭矩及發電量以獲得水平軸風力機系統性能之數據。最後,使用 STAR CCM+模擬軟體分析葉片表面壓力、速度及流線,以了解動態現象之成因。 研究結果發現,在一般情形下,機械能源、電力能源、轉子轉換效率、發電 機轉換效率及總轉換效率在不同風速及攻角下皆隨葉片長寬比及輪鼓尺寸減小 而增加。然而隨著輪鼓尺寸持續減小,以上性能參數則增加至極大值後下降。


Abstract This thesis conducts a study on the performance of a horizontal-axis wind turbine system. The main purpose is to investigate the influences of blade aspect ratio and hub-swept size ratio on its mechanical energy, electrical energy, rotor conversion efficiency, generator conversion efficiency, and total conversion efficiency for different wind speeds and attack angles. Frist, we design flake-type galvanized-iron blades with different aspect ratios. Second, we connect the blades to the hubs with different sizes and combine the rotor to the generator. Third, we set up the wind turbine in the wind tunnel test system and then measure the wind speed, rotational speed, torque, and power generation by using an anemometer, a tachometer, a torque transducer, and an electricity meter, so as to obtain the horizontal-axis wind turbine system performance data. Finally, we use STAR CCM+ for simulation to analyze the blade surface pressure, velocities, and streamlines, so as to realize the cause of dynamic phenomena. Results reveal that all the mechanical energy, electrical energy, rotor conversion efficiency, generator conversion efficiency, and total conversion efficiency in general increase with the decreases in the blade aspect ratio and the hub size for different wind speeds and attack angles. However, when the hub size decreases further, these performance parameters would increase to their maxima and then decrease.


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