  • 學位論文


Design of Third-Order and Sixth-Order Band Reject Filters Using DDCC(s) and a Single FDCCII

指導教授 : 張俊明


摘要 本文以矩陣分析設計法來實現差動差分電流傳輸器(Differential Difference Current Conveyor ;DDCC)和第二代完全差分電流傳輸器(Fully Differential second-generation Current Conveyor;FDCCII)為主動元件設計三階以及六階帶拒濾波電路其操作頻率為100kHz,並使用HSPICE配合TSMC 0.35µm製程參數進行電路模擬及分析。 本文以三階帶拒濾波電路模擬與分析為主,模擬的結果與理論值接近;由於六階帶拒濾波電路峰值不夠小,故本文針對六階帶拒濾波電路進行補償減少誤差。


Abstract In this paper, using Matrix Analysis and Design Method to achieve differential difference current conveyor (DDCC) and a second-generation fully differential current conveyor (FDCCII) to be the active components designed for third-order and six-order band reject filter circuit whose operating frequency of 100kHz, and using HSPICE with TSMC 0.35μm process parameters to circuit simulation and analysis. In this paper, the third-order band reject filter circuit simulation and analysis of the main simulation results with theoretical values close; due to the six-order band-reject filter circuit peak is not small enough, so this article for the six-order band-reject filter circuit to compensate for reducing errors.


HSPICE band reject filter FDCCII DDCC


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