  • 學位論文


Research on space design in leisure and healing integration in Taiwan

指導教授 : 魏主榮


摘要 人類與動物之間相互共存的時間可追溯久遠,對此的相關論述亦相當多,幾千年來動物與人類的身分由狩獵關係轉變為絭養的寵物夥伴關係。馬匹進入人類的生活已久,從早期利用馬匹來運輸、表演,到後來成為戰場上的一員。直到車輛出現後,馬匹轉變成為休閒、娛樂與競賽功能,甚至是權貴的象徵,馬術運動的價值也就僅止於被定位在比賽的層級階段。運動與競賽講求的是能力與爆發力,但若是將馬匹定位為寵物的夥伴關係時,則該講究的是陪伴與關懷的意義。 本研究在實際參與台灣馬術治療中心各項活動後發現,中心設立之初的規劃設計,並不是以馬術治療為對象,因此對於無障礙設計有許多的盲點,未達到相關設計的標準,導致身障者使用困難。本研究將探討人與馬匹及空間的相互影響,藉由環境心理來探討與整合適用於台灣未來馬術治療發展的療癒空間。 本研究以「文獻分析法」及「參與觀察法」的方式,透過通用設計、療癒設計的檢視、再整合馬術治療專業的特殊需求,並比對國外相關馬術休閒中心的成功案例,提出屬於良善的馬術治療空間應有的療癒因子與通用設計計畫,並尋求與創意生活產業加值整合之可能。此外藉由國外馬術中心已開始執行的老人馬術休閒服務活動,提供給後續研究的建議,達成馬與人之間關係的永續。讓馬術運動休閒空間的價值不僅止於運動層面上的功能,也能提升至具有療癒的功效。


Abstract The domestication of animals can be traced back to more than ten thousand years ago, as human-animal relationship has gradually developed from hunter-prey to domestic companionship, there are many researches discussing the development of human-animal relationship. Horse has been domesticated since long ago, they were used for transportation, performance and even contributed in warfare. After the invention of automobile, the role of horse has become more leisure and entertaining, as well as involving in different kinds of competition. As it is expensive to keep horses, horse owners tend to be related to aristocracy. The value of equestrian was limited to sport competition. However, if we identify horse as our companion, then the value of horses would be more about companionship and caring. Being a long term participant in different activities organised by The Therapeutic Riding Centre of Taiwan (TRCT), I have noticed that the design of TRCT in the beginning was not tailored for the purpose of therapeutic healing. Thus the original design of disable access would not reach to the standard of the universal design, as a result it has caused challenges for disable users/riders. The aims of this research is to study the I influence and co-relationship among rider, horse and space, hoping to use environmental psychology as a method to find a better solution to integrate the current environment and to create more suitable environment for therapeutic riding. Content analysis and Participant Observation are used for this dissertation, it would look at the universal design and therapeutic design as well as elements of therapeutic horse riding. Furthermore, to study successful cases in other countries, in order to suggest contents of healing and universal design of that an appropriate therapeutic riding space. Also the possibilities of creating added value for creative industry. At the last session, A further study on elderly leisure equestrian service is suggested, to encourage further research on this topic, and to expect to create a sustainable relationship between horse and human.


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