  • 學位論文


Analysis of manufacturing Process and Industry Development for LED of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳士麟


由於LED具有壽命長、低耗電、發光效率佳、可調色溫及體積小等特性,屬於綠色環保照明,隨著環保意識抬頭、各國力推節能政策,LED相關產業遂成為各國積極鼓勵發展的產業。 台灣LED產業產值一度高居全球第二,僅次於日本,但在中國大陸產能釋出及韓國集團低價搶占LED市場之下,2012年台灣LED元件產值市佔率仍持續走低,全球市佔率從2011年的21%,下滑至2012的19%,居日本、韓國之後,大陸也在後面急起直追。 然而台灣LED產業發展較慢,國外大廠已掌握許多白光LED技術與材料專利,導致台廠每年需付高額專利金,或是低價搶佔LED市場,間接影響企業的生存。台灣廠商唯有發展高亮度LED並且從製程結構與金屬材料改變,才能迴避國外大廠專利,以及避免低價搶市場。 本研究的目的是兩個企業之間的高亮度LED製程的差異分析,我們假定該代碼為A和B。B公司金屬材料變化,以提高光效率,而且該技術通過生產成本證明,水、電、化學氣體的消耗透過節能策略更詳細的分析。過去沒有相關的研究報告,這項研究分析了台灣的LED產業和高亮度LED製程的改進發展,是第一個技術報告。


Since LED lighting has longer life span, lower energy consumption, better luminous-lighting efficiency, adjustable lighting color and a smaller body size, it is considered environmental friendly green lighting. Environmental issues are on the top of mind of many countries. Thus, LED lighting related industries are actively being developed in many countries. At one point, Taiwan’s LED lighting industry output was the second highest in the world, slightly behind Japan. But due to China’s mass producing capability and Korea’s competitive pricing, Taiwan’s leadership position has continuous declining. In 2012, Taiwan’s market share decline from 21% (2011) to 19% and this has now placed Taiwan behind Japan and Korea, with China closely trailing. Due to the slower development pace of Taiwan’s LED lighting industry, other countries have first developed and patented white LED technology and materials. This resulted in Taiwan’s LED lighting industry paying higher patent fees, or cut price and margin in order to stay competitive, directly challenging the survival of many enterprises. In order to stay in the game and avoid patent and pricing wars, Taiwan LED manufacturers must focus and develop high-luminous LED technology by modifying its structures and materials. The key objective of this research was to compare and analyze the high-luminous LED manufacturing process between two enterprises. I will code them as company A B here on after. Company B modified raw materials to improve lighting efficiency. This technique and technology has been proven by detailed analysis and comparison of production cost, water, electricity, chemical gas and energy consumption. This is a technical research which analyze Taiwan’s LED lighting industry and the high-luminous LED manufacturing process improvement. In the past, no similar research report has been done.


