  • 學位論文


The Combination Application of Game-based Mobile Learning and E-commerce in Mall

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


本論文主要目的希望能使用智慧型行動裝置,在商場進行遊戲行動式學習活動,改進傳統在教室內以紙本及老師教學為主的學習模式,系統主要的模組分為:(1)行動式學習模組、(2)遊戲式學習模組、(3)數位行銷模組及(4)社群分享模組。 學習者使用遊戲APP,掃描位於商場內QRcode,系統會根據學習者個人程度與地點,產生對應難度與場域的評量任務;因以大型商場作為背景,套入行動式學習,學習者隨時分層分區,沉浸於真實感受與體驗,增加學習動機,當完成任務後,會有對應店家優惠券及折價券等作為獎勵,提升學習的意願,間接也促進店家的銷售。目前已完成國中生活美語程度遊戲行動式系統,未來會在商場實地實驗使用,檢驗是否提升學習者的學習動機與店家的銷售;並擴展到英語課程其他學習領域。


In this paper, we hope use smart mobile device to carry on a game-based mobile learning activity. Application in this paper is to improve traditional learning activity in class that teacher tech student and using book. In this system have these main modules (1) Mobile learning module (2) Game-based learning module (3) E-commerce module (4) social-community share module. According learner use game APP to scan QRcode in mall, system will give assessment mission which depend on learner’s learning degree and position. Because of this learning activity’s position is in the mall that in different floor at any time and use game-based learning, learner will have flow experience about real feeling and experience. After assessment mission will give learner coupon which is same as learner’s position that can improve learner’s learning desire and shop’s sales. This paper is finish junior high level living English game-based mobile system now. System will use in mall to test learner’s learning desire and shop’s sales will improve or not and promotion to other learning field.


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