  • 學位論文


Development of an Evaluation System for Mobile Health Management Apps

指導教授 : 項衛中


行動健康管理應用程式在各行動數位平台上非常普遍,只要擁有行動裝置在任何有網路的地方都可以下載並使用,可以隨時隨地輕鬆的記錄使用者的生活狀態。許多學者認為在行動健康管理應用程式內加入線上社群網路功能可以輔助使用者的健康行為,並探討與設計出社群網路與行動健康管理系統對於健康行為改變的框架,以此建構行動健康管理應用程式評估之模型。本研究以吸引力-歸屬-承諾(Appeal, Belonging, Commitment)框架為基礎,定義使用社群網路之動機與健康行為改變之決定因子,在此架構加入應用程式功能性之概念,並且建立應用程式功能與行為改變決定因子間之關聯性,進而建置行動健康管理應用程式評估系統,以提供使用者與設計者相關的建議。本研究運用分析階層程序法找出決定因子間之相關權重,再使用品質機能展開求得各功能之排名與絕對權重,以此預測出健康行為改變能力的排名,並與問卷調查之使用者需求排名比較,兩者具有高度相關。再以此評估模型分析Google Play 和App Store各五種熱門的行動健康管理應用程式,模型所預測分數與Google Play評論分數有高度一致性。經此驗證,本研究所提的行動健康管理應用程式評估模型,可以做為相關使用者與開發者評估與選用應用程式之參考。


Mobile health management application became prevalent these days, and users can easily record their life styles at any time and any place with these applications on their own mobile devices. Many scholars believe that online social network features of a health management application can assist healthier behavior for users. A framework which describes social network and mobile health management system for changing health behavior needs to be designed first. The framework of this research was proposed based on the Appeal, Belonging and Commitment model, and it defined user motivation of social networks and health behavior changing factors. Application functions were considered in this framework, and an application evaluation system was built to show relationships between factors of mobile health management system and application functions. The Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to compute weightings of significant factors, and then Quality Function Deployment was used to obtain the rank of each function and the absolute weightings. These two methods predict the rank of factors of developing healthier behavior, and the rank was compared to that from user survey. The result shows there is a high correlation between two ranks. The evaluation model was applied to analyze the top five mobile health management applications in Google Play and App Store. It shows that the grades from the evaluation model are highly consistent with the user ratings from Google Play. Therefore, users and designers can use this evaluation model as a reference for developing and selecting mobile health management applications.


衛生署國民健康局. 2012. 各國男女肥胖盛行率
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