  • 學位論文


R&D and Marketing Interaction Mode of Specialty Chemical Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 施顏祥


特用化學品產業屬於化工業中含有技術深度和創新能力的產業。在全球競爭越來越高下,公司內部部門需要快速運作來應對市場的變化和滿足顧客需求,而在公司內部部門之跨部門互動中,研發部門成員與行銷部門成員因學習過程背景不同,在互動過程中會有磨擦的事件發生,如何有效解決並建立研發與行銷部門互動間的互動模式是特化產業常被討論的議題。台灣特化產業的特性上,因著彈性的銷售策略、快速的產品試樣、好的技術服務品質成為台灣特化產業的關鍵優勢,立足在此優勢上,研發與行銷互動如何能順利建立出良好的跨部門互動關係實為重要,在文獻中也證實,跨部門間良好的互動關係確實能提升企業整體經營績效,但如何建立特用化學品產業中研發與行銷部門間的互動模式沒有較為深入的探討。因此本研究擬透過特用化學品產業之專家訪談與相關部門互動之文獻探討,來確立台灣特用化學品產業之研發與行銷互動模式,並提出相關看法與建議。 研究以六位特化產業之專家為訪談對象,並進行研究分析。從各個專家的訪談過程中得知台灣特化產業與一般科技產業相似之處及一般傳統化工產業不同之處,並與國外特化產業做出對比,相較外國特化產業之大廠而言,台灣特化產業仍屬剛起步階段,在產品項目也多屬價格競爭商品,透過訪談專家,也進一步深入地了解到台灣特化產業的運作方式與研發、行銷部門間較佳的互動模式,在透過高階領導者來樹立整個組織的組織文化、企業制度化體系及統合工作,解決溝通上會遇到的障礙和分工合作上個人的工作職責所在。研究結果對於特化產業提出參考意見以及有助於建立研發與行銷良好的互動關係,列出十一個項目:全盤性系統思考、組織架構扁平化、組織架構調整、提升研發能量、專案立案機制、技術人員、資訊數據化、明確獎金績效制度、顧問參與、組織文化、領導者角色,也經由業界專家證實,研發與行銷部門間良好的互動關係能成功的使企業的績效提升,最後,建構出企業績效、產業特性、組織文化與跨部門良好之互動模式上相互影響之關係模型。


The specialty chemical industry is a chemical industry with strong technical and innovative ability. In this competitive world, internal departments in companies need to run fast in order to respond to changes in the market and to satisfy customer needs. However, it is often that the members in R&D departments quarrel with the members in marketing departments in the process of interaction due to differing backgrounds. This topic is important to be able to effectively solve the problem and to build a better interactive model between R&D and marketing departments. According to the prior findings, data was collected in semi-structured interviews and analyzed by content analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with six experts involved in specialty chemical industry. The findings show some consultative opinions for specialty chemical industry. It helps to build the great interactive relationship between R&D and marketing departments. There are eleven items listed including overall system thinking, a flat organizational structure, organization structure adjustment, energy enhancement in R&D, establishment of project mechanisms, technicians, information data, a clearly bonus system, consultation, organization culture, and the leader role. The experts confirmed that great interactive relationship between R&D and marketing departments can improve the operation performance successfully. Finally, this research built the relationship model in operation performance, industrial character, organization culture, and interdepartmental interaction.


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