  • 學位論文


A Study of Madame Jeanne Guyon’s Spirituality of Self-Abandonment and Its Application in Pastoral Care

指導教授 : 潘秋郎


本論文是探討在教牧工作中關懷某些長期經歷與親近的人之間關係不良之痛苦的信徒而作的一個嘗試。關注的主題是:當信徒努力實踐愛與和睦的原則,卻遭受親近的人的惡意敵視及貶抑,而希望在這種困境中,有合乎純正道理的表現,並達到靈命成長的目的。蓋恩夫人是一位在這種特別的環境下奮勇不懈而獲致美好結果的見證者,也是當信徒遭遇近人的不友善對待時,表現「不可為惡所勝,反要以善勝惡」極有代表性的例子。 世界上既然存在這麼多人際張力的環境,以及有這麼多看待及因應的方式,我們如何衡量怎麼做會比較好呢?成功是無法絶對計量的。從世間的觀點來看,蓋恩夫人是一個失敗者,因為她不斷遭殃、受指控而且入獄。然而,從敵對者的轉變來看,她經過12年不幸的婚姻,丈夫臨死前對她說:「我請求妳的原諒。我配不上妳。」丈夫死後,她再服侍婆婆5年;雖然婆婆和女僕聯合起來更嚴苛刻地羞辱她,但婆婆最後對待她比生身母親更好,為她的病痛憂心流淚,幾乎不離開她的牀,尊敬她的美德,極溫柔地疼愛她。而那位一直作祟的女僕也對她產生無限的感情,請求她的原諒,敬重地服侍她,到處誇讚她是一位真正的聖徒,最後死於自己的懊悔。這麼好的收場顯示蓋恩夫人對敵意環境的因應是相當出色的,她捨己與滌煉自我的深度靈修精神,具有那些採行敵對、控告、怨責、逃避、或消極無奈的忍受等行為所帶不出來的結局。 蓋恩夫人經過17年家庭的熬煉,從靈命尚未充分發展,到最終變為一位「無己」且與神緊密聯結的成熟基督徒。她所留下來的著作對許多信徒在虔誠及屬靈的深度上有非常深遠的影響。就聖徒的典範做為內心靈修之路的酵母,以及影響後世聖徒之傾向於捨己順服而言,她是成功的,無論她直接遭受的厄運如何。靈修生命有很多不同的途徑,而捨己──內在與外在都超脫受造萬物──總是靈命成長的至要關鍵;因此,她勸勉基督徒完全棄絶舊天性,轉向內心的最奧祕處來努力獲得我們已經擁有的無限產業,就是偉大的神自己。


蓋恩夫人 捨己 寂靜主義 剝奪 咒詛詩


The goal of this paper is an attempt to investigate the suffering and pain of people of poor relationship to intimate people. The focus is, when a believer tries to live the principle to love their neighbors, they were treated with hostility and prejudice, however in this situation we wish to behave according to biblical teachings and achieve spiritual growth. Madame Jeanne Guyon in 17th century was a good example of testament for diligent efforts in this struggling situation, and was a good example of believers being mistreated by intimate people. As we live in an environment of interpersonal stress, and there could be a number of ways to look at this issue and to deal with it, can there be a better method to evaluate the situation and have a sound approach to deal with this stress. Success cannot be measured, from a worldly point of view; Madame Guyon’s life was a failure: she had real bad luck and was locked up twice. However after 12 years of miserable marriage her husband said to her before his death: I beg for your forgiveness, I do not deserve you. After the death of her husband, she served her mother-in-law for another 5 years, although her mother-in-law and maidservant put her into worse misery, but in the end, her mother-in-law and maidservant changed their attitude and end up respecting her. This change revealed that Madame Guyon did a great job dealing with her hostile family situation, which cannot be achieved by working against the enemies or by accusation, complaints, or running away. 17 years of hardship also helped her to grow spiritually, from a not-knowing-what-to-do helpless young woman to a selfless Christian who has a strong connection to God, and eventually responded to the calling to Geneva, she left us many great works that made influences to believers. No matter how bad her misery was, she was successful at setting a paradigm of a saint’s inner spiritual path and inclination to submission. There are some different paths of inner spiritual growth and self-abandon, interior and exterior abdication from creature, is the key to spiritual growth. Madame Guyon encouraged Christians by getting rid of the old self and turn to the inner power which is God himself.


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