  • 學位論文

製備銅鐵尖晶石氣凝膠 應用於高級氧化程處理序 移除有機染料

Synthesis CuFe2O4 Spinel Aerogel Apply in Advanced Oxidation Processes for the removal of Organic Dye

指導教授 : 林義峰


工業革命以來科技不斷地進步,加上人口大量成長,水汙染的問題也逐漸浮上檯面,現今實廠最常使用之Fenton Process相較於其餘水處理程序有著成本及效率上之優勢,但其仍有二次汙染之問題存在,二價鐵離子經反應或者是pH值上升會產生氫氧化鐵之沉澱,此一現象不但降低了此程序之效能,且亦與水處理之中心是為了降低汙染之目的背道而馳。   高級氧化處理程序(Advance Oxidation Processes,簡稱AOPs),是仿效Fenton Process,以觸媒催化氧化劑生成具高氧化還原電位之自由基,並利用其對廢水水源中之汙染物做到降解及去除,但高級氧化處理程序又再帶入了非均相觸媒之概念,在保有高效能的同時,避免二次汙然的產生。   本次實驗將以環氧化物起始凝膠法製備銅鐵尖晶石金屬氧化物氣凝膠,銅鐵氧化物是過去文獻上常使用於此反應以催化過氧化氫之金屬氧化物,尖晶石結構具有良好之光、電、磁等性能,尤其是其生成之能隙大小較小,搭配金屬氧化物之特性,能提供觸媒更加理想之高級氧化處理程序效能;而氣凝膠之高比表面積以及高孔隙度,又能夠更把上述之優勢發揮得更加完整。而本研究也將針對上述銅鐵尖晶石金屬氧化物氣凝膠與氧化鐵氣凝膠和傳統沉澱法之銅鐵尖晶石奈米顆粒進行比較,其他還包括了操作參數如:染劑濃度、氧化劑濃度、催化劑濃度等,以及系統環境如照光環境、標準染劑種類、系統酸鹼程度等進行討論,最後在以10ml濃度10 ppm標準染劑羅丹明B中添加3.5 wt%過氧化氫作為氧化劑,及3800 ppm之銅鐵尖晶石金屬氧化氣凝膠作為觸媒,進行高級氧化處理程序,其可有著穩定的以反應速率常數表現為1.4581,且在再生反覆進行數次操作下亦可保有穩定之降解效能。


Since industrial revolution, technology has continuously improved, and the population has grown tremendously. The problem of water pollution is getting worse. The Fenton Process is the most commonly method used in factories to do the water treatment. It has the advantage of lower cost and more effective than other water treatment processes. However, this process still has a problems of secondary pollution. The Fe2+ will produce the Fe (OH)3 through the reaction or the pH value change. This problem is not only reduces the effectiveness of this process, but also disobeys the main purpose of water treatment to reduce pollution.   Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), which follow the Fenton Process, uses catalyst react with oxidants to generate free radicals with a high redox potential. AOPs use this advantage to degrade and remove pollutants from waste water. The advanced oxidation processes also combine the concept of a heterogeneous catalyst to avoid secondary pollution.   In this experiment, we use epoxide-initiated gelation method to prepare the CuFe2O4 spinel metal oxide aerogel. The CuFe2O4 metal oxide is a material often used to catalyze hydrogen peroxide. Spinel structure also has good photocatalytic, electrical and magnetic properties. Moreover, it can generate smaller energy gap oxides, combined with the characteristics of metal oxides, and provide catalysts with better advanced oxidation processes performance. In addition, high specific surface area and high porosity of aerogel can further enhance the above advantages. In this study we also compare iron oxide aerogel and traditional precipitation methods of spinel CuFe2O4 nanoparticle. We also discuss other operating parameters, including: dye concentration, oxidant concentration, catalyst concentration, lighting conditions, type of dye, and pH value in system. Finally, in a 10 ml /10 ppm of rhodamine B, 3.5 wt % of hydrogen peroxide and 3800 ppm of CuFe2O4 spinel metal oxide aerogel as a catalyst, then the performance of an advanced oxidation processes with high efficiency and stability.


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