  • 學位論文


A Process Study On The Teachers’ Interpersonal Influence Experience In Receiving School Counselor Consultation

指導教授 : 杜淑芬


在學校輔導場域,生態系統合作觀已成為主流,教師諮詢也成為專業輔導人員非常重要卻又深具挑戰的服務項目,因此,如何執行一次有效的教師諮詢是值得探究的問題。本研究旨在探究教師與輔導人員進行教師諮詢歷程中之人際影響經驗,以及教師於諮詢歷程中的修復性經驗,希望透過對諮詢合作的互動歷程深入探究,進而幫助輔導生態系統中雙師能緊密且有效能的合作。 本研究屬於杜淑芬博士所主持之「科技部108年度學校諮商輔導人員之教師諮詢合作培能計畫~以正向支持與人際回饋為中心的教師諮詢模式」子計畫的部分研究結果。以該計畫中的受邀導師為研究對象,立意取樣4位導師,分別為三位女性;一位男性,年齡介於25-51歲之間,包含三位國小教師、一位課後班教師。本研究採用半結構式深度訪談,自諮詢前訪談、諮詢中訪談至諮詢後訪談,約3-4次訪談,以收集導師在諮詢歷程中的人際影響經驗及修復性經驗。資料處理以質性研究法的現象學進行分析整理,期盼深入導師的經驗了解其主觀感受和意義。研究信實度以三角驗證法進行,請偕同研究者做客觀的檢核,並邀請受訪者針對訪談逐字稿及分析結果提供真實性檢核並給予評分及回饋。 本研究主要結果如下分為三點。 教師獲得修復性經驗的歷程有五個主要歷程節點,上下層次組合同步發生,呈現教師的外在行為表現及內在修復性經驗,五個節點為:「接受諮詢者回饋」、「頓悟」-「對事件產生新的想法」、「正向行動」-「對與學生互動產生新的經驗」、「看見自己達成好的結果」-「對自我概念產生新的認同」、「持續諮詢並信任諮詢者」-「對輔導諮詢及諮詢者產生新的評價」。五個節點循環往復出現於教師諮詢,終促成教師轉變。 教師知覺的修復性經驗重要因子分為三主要類型。第一類型為:教師獲得「情緒感受」之修復性經驗,泛指諮詢者傳達非評斷性的理解與支持、諮詢者的穩定度、專注於教師情緒想法、積極的態度、注入希望、量身訂製符合老師理念的建議、與諮詢者提供正向與支持性的回饋等等。第二個類型是教師在諮詢歷程中獲得有關「互動關係」之修復性經驗,諮詢者反映師生互動模式、諮詢者肯定良好師生關係的意義等等,以及第三類型來自教師獲得「來詢問題」之修復性經驗,包括諮詢者能反映案生心理需求、諮詢者精緻化輔導策略的建議、諮詢者協助教師找到系統合作中的定位、諮詢者催化教師對案生家庭功能限制的理解。 綜合性發現以下四點:教師知覺到的修復性經驗以「情緒感受」為關係的基,而反映師生互動關係能幫助教師調整僵化的人際因應模式,同時,諮詢者的專業資訊仍是重要的,在知覺修復性經驗的歷程中,教師的內在經驗變化與外在行為的改變是相輔相成的。 最後,依據以上結論提出相關建議及未來研究方向,提供教育現場輔導人員及相關研究者之參考。


Teacher collaboration and consultation has also become a very important but challenging service for professional counselors in schools. Yet, the teachers’ subjective experience when receiving teacher consultation from school counselors is still unexplored. Therefore, the current study intended to understand the teachers’ interpersonal influence experiences during the process of teacher consultation. To achieve above purpose, a purposive sampling of 4 homeroom teachers who has participated in the MOST 108-2410-H-033-028-MY2 project conducted by Dr. Tu, Su-Fen are invited to be interviewed. The 4 teachers included three elementary school counselors and one after-school teacher, one of them was male and the other three were females. Their age was between 25-51 years old. In Tu’s project, the 4 teachers will receive 3-5 sessions’ consultations from school counselors whom were trained in the project. Along with the consultation period, a follow-up interview with the teachers after their completeness with consultation sessions. The interviews were conducted 3 times, including a pre-, mid-, and after-session three stages. During interview, the homeroom teachers were asked about their interpersonal influence experience with the trained counselors and to identify their corrective experience in the process of consultation. The data was sorted and analyzed using phenomenology method approach in order to deeply understand teachers’ subjective feelings and internal meanings. The reliability of this study was examined through triangulation method. The main results of this study were as follows: 1) There were five major phases in the process of teachers receiving corrective experience. Each phase consisted of outer and visible behavior action and internal corrective experience of the teachers that happened simultaneously. The five phases were: "receiving counselor’s interpersonal feedbacks vs ‘ah-ha’ insight” - emerging alternative action thoughts; "Positive action” initiated by teachers phase that emerged new experiences of interacting with students; in "Positive feedbacks from actions " phase, teachers gained positive feedbacks mostly from students that emerged “new recognition of self-concept"; and, in last phase, teachers continued their "Continuous consultation and Trust the counselor", and emerged "More trust and collaboration in school counseling". The five phases appeared recursively in teacher consultation, and lead to teachers’ transformation in guidance strategies with students. 2) The important factors of teacher's perception of corrective experience were divided into three major dimensions. The three dimensions were: the teacher receiving the "emotional" corrective experiences, the teacher receiving the "relational" corrective experiences, the teacher receiving the corrective experiences of "problems". Fifteen factors include: counselors conveying non-judgmental understanding and support, counselors’ positive and supportive feedback, counselors’ pour hopes, positive support from the counselors by affirming the teacher-student relationship, counselors provide suggestions that conform to the teacher’s philosophy, counselors focuses on the teacher’s emotion, the positive attitude of the counselors, the stability of the counselors, counselors reveals and shares their similar feelings, counselors reflects the teacher-student interaction mode, counselors affirms the meaning of a good teacher-student relationship, counselors reflects the psychological needs of the case student, counselors refined the counseling strategies, counselors assists teachers to find the position in the system cooperation, counselors catalyzes the teacher’s understanding of the case students’ family function limitations 3) Sum up and find following four points: teachers perceive "emotional" corrective experiences is the base of working alliance, reflecting the interaction between teachers and students can help teachers adjust the rigid interpersonal response model, the professional information of counselors is still important, the changes in teachers' intrapersonal experiences and changes in external behavior complement each other. Last, based on the above conclusions, the researcher brought up some suggestions and future directions of research for school counselors and related researchers.


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