  • 學位論文


A Study of Du Process of Law on Urban Renewal ─The Approach of Deliberative Democracy

指導教授 : 林春元


摘要 我國自民國87年起公佈實施都新更新條例,俾使老舊市區、不當利用之土地等,可以透過都市更新之方式,達到更有效益的使用,或是翻新市區、美化市容、加強公共設施,促進公共安全、公共衛生等公共利益。 又都市更新涉及一個地區的土地使用、建物整修重建及周遭環境的改變,動輒耗費許多的資源,也會對居住於該更新地區的居民產生影響,但是這些居民卻沒有足夠的保障可以去參與此程序。例如最近的文林苑案,司法院大法官亦就本案做成第709號解釋來回應都市更新所面臨的問題。 本文認為,都市更新的進行影響更新地區的人民權利甚鉅,不可不慎,惟依目前的都市更新條例及相關規定,民眾可以參與到何種程度,以及參與程序不甚明確,因此本文借鏡審議民主理論,希望可以透過審議民主之精神,輔以司法院第709號解釋所點出之問題,建構一個更符合民眾參與的都市更新正當法律程序。


Abstract Since 1998 in Taiwan, Urban Renewal Act has promulgated, making old urban areas and inappropriately utilized land can be used more efficiently through urban renewal. In addition, promoting urban areas would transform the old region into beautify cityscape , strengthening public facilities, enhancing public security, public health and other public interests. Urban renewal involve the use of land, the renovation and rebuilding of buildings and changes in the surrounding environment. It will cost many resources and affect residents who live there. However, these residents do not have sufficient right to participate in the process. For example, Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.709 to answer the question of urban renewal. This article argues that the implementation of urban renewal affects the right of residents who lived in the areas a lot , so it should be take higher cautious . Notwithstanding, Urban Renewal Act and relevant regulations has no clear rule for resident to participate in the process. By the theory of Deliberative Democracy, we hope that we can construct an urban renewal due process more in line with the spirit of Deliberative Democracy and with the points raised by Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.709 .


林明鏘,都市更新之公共利益-兼評司法院大法官釋字第709號解釋,台灣法學雜誌,第 227 期。(2013)
