  • 學位論文


How to Find the Solution of Taiwan Semiconductor Distributor Against the Red Supply Chain Impact from Mainland of China An Example of GMI

指導教授 : 林震岩


台灣半導體產業四十多年來蓬勃的發展,產值約占全球的20%,儼然成為全球半導體的重要生產基地,不論是上游的IC 製造產業,中游的半導體IC通路產業,到下游的3C電子資訊成品製造產業,在全球都佔有一席之地。因為半導體產業的進步,經濟規模也不斷的成長,市場的競爭也日趨白熱化,半導體IC製造商在思考如何在強化自身的技術同時,如何藉由半導體IC通路商來提昇產品的競爭優勢更形重要。 半導體IC通路商在整個半導體產業的供應鏈中,可能不具備半導體IC生產或3C電子資訊成品生產的能力,但確是在整個產業鏈中扮演著重要的角色。對上游原廠有銷售、提供客戶資訊、安全庫存備置的價值;對客戶端而言,除了提供價格與供貨外,技術服務、財務支援與市場訊息交流更是服務的重點。 台灣的半導體IC通路業者衆多,相互之間競爭激烈,再加上大者恆大趨勢已確定成形,因此半導體IC通路業者如何能在激烈競爭的環境中脫穎而出本就是一個重要的議題。然而近年來中國大陸在半導體產業的快速崛起,中國大陸本土的上、中、下游廠商串起的「紅色供應鏈」,正逐步瓦解「Taiwan inside」在全球半導體產業的地盤。 中國的半導體產業大軍整飭練兵,從山寨走向世界,一場「紅色供應鏈」風暴,正在衝擊台灣半導體產業數十年來的成果與未來的發展。向來以完整產業鏈稱霸全球的台灣,正被崛起的中國本土廠商卡位、取代。如何面對來勢洶洶的紅色供應鏈,找出藍海商機,為本文的研究的動機。 本文藉由分析整體半導體產業的發展趨勢與現況,進行半導體IC通路產業的分析,以瞭解我國半導體IC通路商的現況,在紅色供應鏈的衝擊下如何發展出獨特的競爭優勢、策略思考、轉型的契機,促使半導體IC通路商轉型成功的關鍵因素,創造新的藍海商機為本文的研究目的。




Thirty years of booming electronics industry in Taiwan, the semiconductor industry accounts for approximately 20% of the world, it has become an important production base for the global semiconductor. Whether from upstream IC design, wafer foundries, semiconductor distributors and program design in midstream, to downstream electronics finish products manufacturer, it occupies a place in the world. As a result of the technological advances in the semiconductor industry, economies of scale are continued to grow, competition in the market has also intensified. Semiconductor manufacturers are thinking about how to strengthen its own technology, at the same time, with semiconductor distributors’ strategic partners to enhance the value and benefits of the product is more important. Semiconductor distributors in the supply chain of the electronics industry may not have the ability to produce components or finished product, but it is playing a significant role in the whole industry chain. For the vendors, has the value of sales, provide customer information and provide safety stock preparation. For the customer side, in addition to providing price and availability, the technology services, financial support and market information exchange is the focus of the service. There are numerous of company as a semiconductor distributor in Taiwan. The winner always win, therefore, semiconductor components retailers how to stand out is an important issue in a highly competitive environment. However, in recent years, the electronics industry in mainland China are rapid rise, Chinese manufacturers strung the "Red Supply Chain", is gradually disintegrate the region of "Taiwan inside" .The future of Taiwan's technology industry is being hit by a storm called "Red Supply Chain" from China. Taiwan has always been to dominate the global as complete electronics industry chain, but now is being replaced by the rise of China's domestic manufacturers. It is more terrible than the domestic industry competition because the "Taiwan in side" is being crushed into tatters. The research motivation of this article is confronted with the menacing Red Supply Chain, how to deal with domestic competition but at the same time face up to the attack and then find out Blue Ocean opportunities. In this paper, by analyzing the development trend of the overall semiconductor industry, then conduct the industry analysis of semiconductor components distributors in order to understand the current situation of Taiwan. And how to deal with rapid changes in the electronics industry chain with uncertainty and complexity, how to developed unique competitive advantage under the impact of the "Red Supply Chain" and create new Blue Ocean opportunities is the purpose of this article.


the Red Supply Chain


