  • 學位論文


The legal mechanism to prevent democratic backsliding – The focus of the Anti-infiltration Act

指導教授 : 林春元


近年民主倒退風潮席捲全球,不論是自由之家、民主指數或是V-Dem都指出有許多國家出現諸如選舉舞弊、對言論自由的侵蝕等現象。許多國家也都受到外國勢力的干擾,並試圖以各式修法防堵外國勢力影響國內政治。台灣也出現許多民主倒退的現象,並因境外勢力影響導致倒退現象加劇。而台灣在面對外國勢力影響時,以《反滲透法》作為我國主要防堵機制,然《反滲透法》引發諸多爭議。故本文的核心問題在於,台灣是否需要防衛民主的法律機制,而《反滲透法》作為台灣防衛民主機制是否合憲且有效? 為解決上述問題,本文統整民主資料庫的標準以及全球民主倒退現象,分析民主的核心要素以及六大民主倒退現象,並以之審視台灣是否有民主倒退現象的發生。進一步分析台灣民主倒退現象後得出台灣的民主倒退除了內部機制需改革外,境外勢力的影響更是擴大台灣民主倒退現象的主要原因。而在分析共五個國家因應境外勢力的修法後,本文架構出面對境外勢力威脅時,以防衛民主為核心,並利用資訊透明、金錢管制、假訊息管制、增列新型態犯罪、建立專責機關,共五種手段的防衛機制。 最後本文整理《反滲透法》的相關爭議且給予回應,並以前述防衛民主模型審視現行《反滲透法》,發現《反滲透法》不足以防堵台灣所面臨的境外勢力影響問題。台灣仍需建立代理人、競選經費、競選廣告的資訊透明化制度;對境外製造與輸入假新聞有所控管與禁止;掌握境外勢力流入國內的金流資訊、限制境外敵對勢力投資具敏感性產業;以及建立應對境外勢力的專責機關,以完善台灣的民主防衛機制。


In recent years, the global society has experienced democratic recession. Freedom House, Democracy Index and V-Dem have all pointed out that many countries have such phenomena as election fraud, authoritarian diffusion, and freedom restrictions. In addition to democratic threat, foreign authoritarian states may also seek to influence democratic politics and trigger legal responses from some countries. Taiwan enacts Anti-infiltration Act to response improper foreign interference. However, Anti-infiltration Act is questioned as unconstitutional and ineffective. The purpose of this article was to examine the constitutionality and effectiveness of the Anti-infiltration Act. This paper analyzes the reports of Freedom House, the Democracy Index and v-dem, and lists six major phenomena of democracy backsliding. Taiwan has also seen these six phenomena of democracy backsliding, and foreign influence has made matters worse. After analyzing the laws of five countries, this paper constructs a comprehensive legal scheme to combat undue influence of foreign countries and defend democracy. Regulatory mechanisms include information transparency, foreign capital regulation, fake news regulation, adding new prohibitions, and establishing specialized agencies. Examining the Anti-infiltration Act with the abovementioned mechanisms, this article finds that the Anti-infiltration Act is insufficient to solve the democratic threat from foreign countries. Therefore, this paper suggests that Taiwan should: 1) establish an information transparency system for agents, campaign funds, and campaign advertisements; 2) regulate the fake news which made and imported from foreign countries; 3)improve the transparency of foreign funds and prohibit foreign investment in specific industries and 4) establish a specialized agency to deal with foreign influence.


1.Huntington, Samuel P著(劉軍寧、葉明德譯),《第三波:二十世紀末民主化浪潮》,五南出版社 (1994)。
2.Jan-Werner Müller著(林麗雪譯),《解讀民粹主義》,時報文化(2018)。
3.Larry Diamond著(盧靜譯),《妖風:全球民主危機與反擊之道:當俄羅斯正面進攻、中國陰謀滲透、美國自毀長城,我們該如何重振民主自由的未來?》,八旗文化(2019)。
