  • 學位論文


How do Board composition affect the execution degree of income allotment: The case of medical foundations from Taiwan

指導教授 : 林江亮




The study explores the impact on how board characteristic affects the execution degree of income allotment, and the samples which being discussed are the case of medical foundations from Taiwan. The factors such as board size, board tenure, and board diversity are included in the paper. Furthermore, would the established background of either religion or an enterprise also affect the execution degree of income allotment will also be investigated. The empirical results show that the size of the board of directors, the tenure and the diversity are positively correlated with the execution degree of income allotment but affect indistinctively. Considering the religious background, the size and the diversity of the board of directors were negatively correlated and affect significantly with the degree of execution degree of income allotment. And the tenure of the board of directors was positively correlated and affect significantly. Turning to the aspect of the enterprise background, the size and the diversity of the board of directors were negatively correlated and affect indistinctively with the degree of execution degree of income allotment. And the tenure of the board of directors was positively correlated and also affect indistinctively. In sum, the composition of the board of directors and the established background of medical foundations will indeed affect the execution degree of income allotment.


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