  • 學位論文


Applying Cultural and Creative Perspective on Souvenir Package Design : A Case Study of Hotel Branding.

指導教授 : 林昆範




Nowadays high level of economic and tourism to flourish, people easy to everywhere. Passengers buy local souvenirs for a memory or give someone when they travel. But local souvenirs are not characteristic almost. In order to enhance the competitiveness of souvenirs, it must analysis local feature and culture creative perspective and brand on souvenir package design. Select hotel branding souvenir packaging design is cause international viewpoint that people’s work and life maybe move different place in the future. Hotel branding is important local topic, and it’s also to supply many experience for people including accommodation, catering, recreation, entertainment, shopping, services, information, etc., The chances of visitors will buy hotel souvenir is greatly boost. The chances of visitors will buy hotel souvenir is greatly boost with its business model and the value. So we hope use hotel brand operation and development of hotel souvenir package design. The purpose of this study is explore local culture characteristics and the relevance of the hotel brand of constituting elements, relevance of hotel brand and souvenir, souvenir and souvenir packaging design elements, and then applying the results to the hotel brand souvenir packaging design, that created only experience and souvenir for passengers on the hotel brand. The souvenir not only souvenir, but also local culture pass down for everyone, emotional, reflect the brand's link, we hope that can differentiation and competitiveness, and continue development.


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一、 書籍
