  • 學位論文


The Research on the Development of Self-study Chinese Teaching Materials for Vietnamese Caregivers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭妮絲


近年以來,外籍看護工與台灣人共同在社會中工作與生活,但語言隔閡的問題還是存在,引發許多困擾。因此本研究針對看護工設計華語文自學教材-先以越南籍爲例。首先研究者進行相關教材分析、參考對外華語教材編寫等原則以及相 關理論,當爲本教材的編寫之依據。其次透過深度訪談法從文化、人際關係、工作適應三個角度,蒐集看護工、雇主與仲介共11 位受訪者的華語文需求與工作經驗,以達成本研究的三個目的: 一、了解看護工華語文之需求 二、提出看護工華語文自學教材編寫之原則 三、編寫適合看護工使用的華語文自學教材 受訪者資料分析結果指出看護工在文化上華語文需求比較少,主要顯現在飲食與工作態度上的問題;但工作與人際關係上的需求主要與受照顧者有關,可歸納分爲兩類包含日常生活上用的華語以及特殊照顧相關的專業華語。另外,研究者也整理出教材編寫的幾點主要原則:1.自學型教材;2.側重功能型教材;3.專業華語為主、通用華語爲輔之教材;4.真實情境教材,以及5.看護華語教材。 最後,依據學習者的需求以及相關文獻探討,教材設計共十一課 (「漢語拼音」與「華語的越語拼音」介紹、打招呼、關心用語、看護準備食物、工作態度、工作時間表、看醫生、用藥方式、照顧行動不方便者、照顧癱瘓者以及受照顧者 住院),希望能解決語言隔閡的問題與提高工作品質。另外,研究者也呈現了三課範例為關心用語、看護準備食物以及照顧癱瘓者給各界學者參考。


In recent years, foreign care workers and Taiwanese have worked and lived in society together, but the problem of language barriers still exists, causing many problems. Therefore, this study designed Chinese language self-study teaching materials for caregivers-taking Vietnamese as an example. First of all, the researcher should analyze the relevant textbooks, refer to the principles of compiling foreign language Chinese textbooks, and other relevant theories, which should be the basis for the compilation of the textbooks. Secondly, through indepth interviews, from the three perspectives of culture, interpersonal relationships, and work adaptation, we collected the Chinese language needs and work experience of 11 interviewees from caregivers, employers, and intermediaries to achieve the three objectives of cost research: 1. Understand the needs of caregivers in Chinese 2. Propose the principles of Chinese language self-study teaching materials for caregivers 3. Compile self-study Chinese textbooks suitable for caregivers The results of the data analysis of the interviewees indicated that there is not much demand for cultural Chinese in the caregivers, which mainly manifests in the issues of diet and work attitude; However, work and interpersonal needs are mainly related to the care recipient, Including Chinese used in daily life and professional Chinese related to special care. In addition, the researchers also sorted out the main principles of textbook compilation: (1) Self-study textbooks, (2) Focus on functional textbooks, (3) The main of textbooks by CSP, supplemented by General Chinese, (4) Real situation textbooks and (5) Caregiver Chinese textbooks. Finally, according to the needs of learners and related literature, materials design eleven lessons (Introduction of "Chinese Pinyin" and " Vietnamese Pinyin ", greeting, language care, caregivers reparing food, working attitude, work schedule, seeing a doctor, using medication, caring for people with impaired mobility, caring for paralyzed people and hospitalized people), hoping to solve the problem of language barriers and improve work quality. In addition, the researchers also presented three examples of lessons for scholars from all walks of life to care for language, care for food preparation and care for paralyzed people.


王 艷(2011)。對我國ESP 教材編寫原則的探討。北京:北京外國語大學。
太平洋越南人力資源股份公司(Công ty cổ phần Nguồn nhân lực Việt Nam Thái BìnhDương)(無日期)。中文課程Giáo trình khán hộ công (dành cho lao động kháctại Viện dưỡng lão)。河内。