  • 學位論文


Examining the Space Design of Concept Stores from the Perspective of Visual Merchandising: A Case Study of Aesop’s Concept Stores in Northeast Asia

指導教授 : 陳文亮


隨著經濟環境及消費生態環境的改變,消費文化產生了劇烈的衝擊及轉變,導致消費者的消費行為不再一如過往,他們對商品的價值認知逐漸轉變,消費者追求除了獨立自主與生活品味外,還包含讓世界美好的期望,透過品牌的定位與願景,創造出品牌形象與消費者達成共同願望,並與商品建立情感產生連結。而消費空間演變至今則是透過品牌長久經營的符號,結合主題概念的形塑,寓意的操作,喚起消費者的聯想,產生心靈上的共鳴,傳達給參觀者品牌的精神,其中以品牌形象為經營策略的品牌概念店,也是最能感受品牌形象的消費空間,不同的風格樣貌,卻能表達出品牌從一而終品牌精神。 從文獻資料分析發現,近年來的「品牌概念店」的創立益發盛行,但其行銷的重點不只強調商品本身,而是善加利用視覺營銷VMD強化品牌形象,營造空間氛圍的風格及精神。隨著品牌向國際發展,考驗品牌概念店是如何創造出使各城市的消費者產生吸引力與凝聚力。本研究以東亞地區Aesop概念店為研究對象,以城市形象五大原則及視覺營銷VMD構面分析歸納品牌形象延伸至不同文化區域,並透過各項因子歸納出各區域文化的操作手法,其品牌運用視覺策略達到空間中的品牌識別,藉此研究能對概念店於品牌形象與空間氛圍之傳達,表現能有更進一步的理解與掌握。


With the economic and consumer environment change, the consumer culture has encountered a dramatic impact and transformations that caused consumers do not consume as they were before. Their understanding of the values toward products is gradually changing. Not only do they peruse personalized products and better taste of life but also seek for the hope of the world environment. Through out brand positioning and brand vision setting, it can achieve brand image and also reach the desire of consumers, and make the products bound with consumers. However, the evolution of consumer space is influenced by long-term branding operation, united with brand theme concept, and the moral meaning in the space to evoke the associations and resonances of consumers. Meanwhile, the brand image of business strategy of brand concept store, is also the space which consumers can experience the most of the brand images. The brand concept stores can be revealed with different style appearances, but they all express the same one thing, that is, the brand spirit. From reference documents analysis, this research has found out that brand concept store is booming nowadays. The marketing concept of it is not just focused on merchandise but also using VMD method to enforce brand image in the interior space. Being an international brand, how to create the attraction and cohesion to consumers all over the world would be a difficult task. This study takes the Aesop concept stores in East Asia as the research object, and then analyzing the five principles of city and the VMD principle in different cultures. This research summarizes the operation manner in every different culture with each factors and studies the VMD strategy in the space to understand the brand image and the conveyance of brand image in the interior atmosphere.


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