  • 學位論文


Realization and Research of the Active Control Braking System with Compound Sensing Elements on Two-wheeled Locomotives

指導教授 : 吳燦明


機車,在台灣是不可或缺的交通工具,在大城市裡或許可以不買車不開車,有大眾運輸可以替代。但,機車有著無可被取代的地位,擁有極高的機動性,且為人人可負擔的交通工具。動力車輛演進至今,除了一般傳統的定速(Cruise Control)功能、ABS(Anti-Lock Brake System)防鎖死煞車系統、防滑系統以控制動力使車回歸穩定狀態,近年來科技進步讓車輛有更安全的自動煞停系統,但就目前而言僅有多數的汽車及極少部分的高單價機車搭載。台灣道路設計巷弄極多,如在一般平價機車上安裝上初級的主動控制煞車系統,必能降低事故率。 複合式感測元件,在危急情況下,在人腦還未做出判斷之前,透過感測器傳達微控制器MCU,讓機車更早一步做出主動控制車速或煞停等動作。以本人原廠含有ABS系統之機車作為研究基礎,加裝本研究設備,透過雷射測距傳感器,及超聲波傳感器,訊號回傳至MCU經過邏輯判斷後發送是否做出主動控制煞車、距離之實現。


The motorcycle (scooters) is an indispensable means of transportation in Taiwan. In big cities, you may not have to buy a car to drive, and there are alternatives for the public transportation. However, motorcycles (scooters) have an irreplaceable status, with high mobility and affordable transportation for everyone. The evolution of power vehicles has not only the traditional (Cruise Control) function, ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System), anti-skid system to control the power to return the car to a stable state, but in recent years, technological advances have made vehicles safer with the automatic braking system. For now, only most cars and very few high-unit-price locomotives are equipped with the active braking system. The road design in Taiwan is most of alleyways, and the accident rate can be reduced by installing primary active braking systems on the average affordable motorcycle (scooters). In this study, the composite sensor is used to transmit the sensor to the microprocessor MCU before the human brain can make a judgment in critical situations, so that the locomotive can take the initiative to control the speed or brake earlier. This study is based on my original motorcycle with the ABS system, and this research equipment is installed. The signals are transmitted back to the MCU through Laser ranging sensors at long distances and ultrasonic sensors at close distances, and after logical judgment, the signals are sent to the MCU for active control of braking and distance.


[1.] https://www.car-safety.org.tw/car_safety/TemplateOneContent?OpID=382 ItemID=273https://www.car-safety.org.tw/car_safety/TemplateOneContent?OpID=382 ItemID=273
[2.] https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E4%B8%BB%E5%8A%A8%E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6
[3.] VL6180X規格書
[4.] https://www.taiwansensor.com.tw/product/hc-sr04p-%e8%b6%85%e9%9f%b3%e6%b3%a2%e6%b8%ac%e8%b7%9d%e6%a8%a1%e7%b5%84-hc-sr04-plus-%e5%af%ac%e9%9b%bb%e5%a3%93-3-3-5v-%e8%bc%b8%e5%85%a5/
[5.] https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%95%E7%89%87%E6%9C%BA#%E7%A1%AC%E4%BB%B6
