  • 學位論文

師生互動中之學生抗拒形態 與教師因應策略之研究

A Study of Resistance Forms of Junior High School Students and Teachers’ Coping Strategies within the Teacher-Student Interaction

指導教授 : 王保進 李珀


本研究為「國中師生互動與學生抗拒型態與教師因應策略之研究」,其研究目的如下:其一為探究國中師生互動的現狀,其二為瞭解國中生抗拒型態的現狀,其三是分析國中教師對於學生抗拒型態之因應策略,最後則是根據研究,提出結論與建議,以供現場中學教師參考。 在研究方法方面則是採用質性研究法,以四位國中教師為研究對象, 使用訪談法進行資料的蒐集與歸納分析。最後則是根據文獻探討、研究發現與討論,歸納出的發現和結論如下: 一、學生抗拒的現況 本研究發現學生抗拒的現況為「不服從教師管教」、「愛面子,自尊心強」、「無學習意願,干擾上課秩序」、「成群結黨,與老師對立」、「喜歡當老大,帶頭反抗老師」、「認定老師不公平」。 二、教師因應學生抗拒之策略 本研究發現教師因應師生衝突的策略包括:「堅持理念與做法」、「延宕處理,事緩則圓」、「忽視冷漠」、「第三者協助」、「澄清事實」、「權變」、「妥協」。 三、研究建議 本研究建議教育行政機關多舉辦有關學生抗拒解決策略之研習;教師專業社群的討論主題可著墨在教師情緒管理、溝通技巧及班級經營管理等方面;舉辦親師會及親職講座;建立班級信箱;未來研究者可納入學生的觀點繼續深入探究。


This study aims to investigate the coping strategies of junior high school teachers toward students’ different types of resistance. The objectives are: firstly, to study the existing junior high student-teacher interactions; secondly, to understand the types of resistance of junior high students; thirdly, to analyze teachers’ coping strategies toward students’ different types of resistance; and lastly, to conclude and give suggestions as references for both junior high school teachers on the scene. This research adopts qualitative research methodology on four teachers as research participants, collects materials by interviews and proposes a summary and an analysis. The thesis, based on literature reviews, discussion and discovery, presents following conclusions: 1.Types of students’ resistance It was found that there were five types of students’ resistance. They were “disobedience to teacher’s discipline,” “keenness on face saving, strong sense of self-respect,” “no willingness to learn and interference with class order,” “forming groups of gangs against teacher,” “fondness for being a leader to go against teacher” and “presumption of teacher’s injustice”. 2.Teachers’ coping strategies for teacher-student conflict It was found that teachers’ coping strategies for teacher-student conflict included “adherence to philosophy and practice,” “procrastinated processing,” “negligence and unconcern,” “assistance from the third party,” “truth clarification,” “contingency” and “compromise.” 3.Suggestions It was suggested that the administrative system could hold study about coping strategies for teacher-student conflict, and professional community could focus on issues of teacher emotional management, communication skills and class management. Further, parent-teacher association and meetings can be held. Class mailbox can be set up. In the future, researchers can continue to study students’ perspective.


壹、 中文部分
王麗斐、杜淑芬、吳麗琴、王玉珍等(譯)(2010)。P.P.Heppner, M.J. Heppner著。研究論文寫作:撰寫與投稿的武功秘笈。台北,洪葉文化。
