  • 學位論文


A statistical model for predicting recurrence of stroke in Taiwan: case-control study

指導教授 : 吳建華


腦中風是造成失能和死亡的主要原因之一,而且中風復發更會加重失能程度和提升死亡風險。本研究主要的目標為利用多元羅吉斯迴歸建立中風復發的統計預測模型,另外,透過Cox比例危險迴歸模型來辨識出這些影響中風復發之危險因子。本研究是回溯性病例對照研究,研究從2000 ~ 2008年健保資料庫中,篩選出主診斷代碼為 430 ~ 437 並排除外傷者挑選受試者。排除2000 ~2001年有過中風經驗者,以2002 ~ 2008年間超過一次中風者為病例組,只有過一次中風者為對照組。若個案有過兩次中風以上,則計算兩次中風間隔時間;若個案只有一次中風,則計算第一次中風到最後追蹤日做為中風間隔時間,以中風的危險因子和中風間隔時間建立羅吉斯迴歸模型。結果模型的接收者操作特徵曲線下面積(Area Under the receiver operating characteristic Curve, AUC)為0.756。中風的危險因子依然在中風復發扮演要角: 高血壓(Hazard Ratio, \widehat{HR}=2.129)、心房顫動(\widehat{HR}=1.518)、糖尿病(\widehat{HR}=1.350)、冠狀心臟病(\widehat{HR}=1.303)以及男性(\widehat{HR}=1.226)。模型表現不夠理想可能是健保資料庫缺少了其他重要的危險因子的緣故。


Cerebral Stroke is one of the main causes of disability and death. Moreover, the recurrence of stroke will aggravate the degree of disability and increase the risk of death. The main goal of this study is to use multivariate logistic regression to establish a statistical prediction model for stroke recurrence. In addition, to identify these risk factors that affect stroke recurrence through Cox proportional hazard regression model. This study is a retrospective case-control study. From the 2000-2008 National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD), the study selected the main diagnosis code as 430-437 and excluded the traumatic patients. Excluding those who had stroke experience from 2000 to 2001, those who had more than one stroke between 2002 and 2008 were the case group, and those who had only one stroke were the control group. If the case has had more than two strokes, the duration between the two strokes is calculated; if the case has only one stroke, the duration between the first stroke and the last tracking day is calculated as the stroke time. The logistic regression model was established based on the risk factors of stroke and the duration between strokes. As a result, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of the model was 0.756. Stroke risk factors still play an important role in stroke recurrence: hypertension (Hazard Ratio, \widehat{HR}=2.129), atrial fibrillation (\widehat{HR}=1.518), diabetes (\widehat{HR}=1.350), coronary heart disease (\widehat{HR}=1.303), and men (\widehat{HR}=1.226). The unsatisfactory performance of the model may be due to the lack of other important risk factors in the NHIRD.


stroke recurrence of stroke NHIRD


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